Czech Republic in the Centre of Attention during International Space Conference and Exhibition 2020
29.09.2020 / 15:42
The Embassy of the Czech Republic in New Delhi, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic and the Czech Space Alliance, secured participation in one of the largest space industry fairs in Asia - the International Space Conference and Exhibition (ISCE). From September 15th, to October 10th, 2020, successful trade fair exhibition was prepared this way for a half dozen Czech companies, meanwhile the Czech Republic in parallel participated in virtual conference as a Focus country. Ambassador M. Hovorka, Senior Director General, Department of Intelligent Transport Systems & Space Activities, Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic JUDr. Václav Kobera, President of the Czech Space Alliance Petr Bareš and six other Czech companies took part in this expo and conference. The uniqueness of the position of the Czech Republic in the conference was underlined by the fact that the high-level representative of the Czech Republic (Dr. V. Kobera) had the opportunity to be among the inaugural speakers of the ISCE opening ceremony, as well as the opportunity to undertake discussion with Chairman of the Indian Space Research Organization, Dr. K. Sivan and the CEO of the state-owned space agency ANTRIX Dr. R. Sasibhushan. Due to the current epidemiological situation, the conference and the expo took place virtually.
The project has been supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic through the financial instrument for supporting economic diplomacy PROPED "Business Mission of the Space Industry to India" (36B-314-000) and reflects India's important position and potential in space activities and research.
At the beginning of the conference, on 15th of September 2020, Senior Director General of the Space Activities Department, Dr. Václav Kobera, addressed the audience of the Conference during inauguration not only alongside the most important personalities of the Indian space sector (ISRO Chairman Dr. K. Sivan or Antrix CEO Dr. Sasibhushan), but also next to other important speakers from around the world (Jean-Yves Le-Gall, CNES President and Anthony Murfett, Deputy Director General of the Australian Space Agency).
On the same day, a trade fair was launched at which Czech companies were offered a virtual exhibition space, where they could upload their catalogs, brochures, corporate videos and connect with visitors in the form of chat or e-mail communication. The ISCE digital library housed the video "Czechia Has Marvelous people", interesting brochures produced by the Czech Space Alliance, or the catalog "Czech Republic Successful in ESA". The fair will last until October 10, 2020, and according to the so far positive response by the participating companies, the Czech Embassy in Delhi expects that a large number of contacts will be secured in this way.
Thanks to the support of PROPED, Czech companies such as BBT, BD Sensors, Frentech, Huld, Iguassu and TOSEDA were able to present themselves at the fair. A separate stand was also prepared by PBS Velká Bíteš and the Czech Space Alliance.

Another activity of this event was the organization of an exclusive webinar for the partner country, which the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Delhi hosted on September 22nd, 2020 from 10.30 Czech time. Ambassador Milan Hovorka welcomed around 80 visitors to this virtual webinar, while the event was moderated by Embassy's economic diplomat Milan Dostál. The quality of the event was underlined by a speech of Director of the Department of Space Activities of the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic, Dr. Václav Kobera and presentation of experience with the Czech participation in the European Space Agency by Czech delegate to ESA Michal Reinöhl.
Subsequently, the companies presented their presentations in PowerPoint at this webinar, while during the subsequent part devoted to questions and answers, there were also immediate offers from the Indian side as prospective distributors or partners.
In the early evening, the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Delhi also secured a closed Round table for "decision makers" from this sector, where Ambassador Milan Hovorka, Senior Director General Václav Kobera and Petr Bareš deliberated with Dr. K. Sivan, Chairman of the ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) and also Secretary at the Department of Space or with Dr. R. Sasibhushan, CMD of the major state-owned company ANTRIX and Chairman of the CII (Confederation of Indian Industries) National Committee on Space. The main points of the meeting were the introduction of the Czech Republic as a prospective partner for ISRO projects, support to Czech industry and economic interests of stakeholders in this field, expression of interest in creating a mechanism for more frequent and deeper cooperation and emphasizing the Czech Republic's ambitions in multilateral organizations.
Milan Dostál, Economic Diplomat, Embassy of the Czech Republic in Delhi