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Czech Experiences from Circular Economy Captivated India

Venue: New Delhi

At the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Delhi, was on September 6, 2018, held an expert seminar for those interested in Czech republic´s innovation technologies and experience with circular economy. During the seminar, Czech solutions from the Circular Economy presented Embassy´s Commercial Counsellor Milan Dostál and Czech companies ERC-TECH s.r.o. or Vita Aqua, which presented to the Indian audience a circular model of construction waste reuse or systems of water purification. The seminar, which took place parallelly to the Circular Economy Mission, held in Delhi this week, addressed by video message also the "knowledge partner" of the seminar, the Institute of Circular Economy from the Czech Republic, which focuses on the concept of sustainable development and reuse of resources.

The seminar at the Embassy took place against the backdrop of the summit, which was organized by the Delegation of the European Union in India on 4th – 7th of September 2018 in Delhi under the name of the Circular Economy Mission. A series of seminars were attended by India's top circular economy stakeholders from both the public and the private sector and the invitation was also accepted by the Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Karmenu Vella. The active part in Circular Economy Mission also played the private companies from this sector that had the opportunity to establish valuable business contacts during their meetings or to present their skills at a conference dedicated to this topic. The Czech Republic could not miss at the congress and on September 7, 2018, a representative of ERC-TECH s. r. o. , which deals with the secondary use of construction waste for use in new concrete, presented the delegates revolutionary solution leading to significant savings in the construction works observing the friendly approach to the environment.





On this occasion, the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Delhi organized a seminar on the premises of the Embassy itself, ​​presenting the circular economy to visitors from the viewpoint of the Czech Republic and Czech companies. The participants were at first greeted during the video interview with the CEO of the Institute of Circular Economy, to be followed by presentation of Commercial Economic Counsellor Milan Dostál. Two Czech companies - ERC-TECH s.r.o. and Vita Aqua, which are involved in the recycling of construction waste, respectively, water purification and treatment, presented their products and technologies subsequently. The seminar was concluded with B2B meetings, during which the companies devoted themselves directly to the participants.

According the concept of Circular Economy, reducing waste saves money, energy and resources, increases competetivness, and protects the environment. Waste recycling is at the same time a vibrant and innovative sector, that creates local jobs and growth. In many developed countries, including the Czech Republic, it has been already verified, that the quality of life improves substantially, when the waste is managed in a proper and professional manner. During the four day programme has been authenticated, that the Czech Republic has indeed lots to offer.


Milan Dostál, Economic Diplomat, Embassy of the Czech Republic in Delhi