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Czech Railway Industry in India

Date: 09 October 2017 - 16 October 2017, Venue: Delhi, Lucknow, Chennai, Aurangabad

The Czech railway industry's companies showcased their talent and innovation skill  in India from 9th to 15th October, 2017.Representatives of the Czech Railways (national carrier), BONATRANS, PARS Komponenty, SKODA TRANSPORTATION, SKODA ELECTRIC, AMiT and TTC MARCONI participated in the business mission organised by the Association of the Czech Railway Industry (ACRI) in partnership with the  Embassy of the Czech Reoublic in Delhi.




During a seven day journey a high-powered delegation led by Ambassador Milan Hovorka visited Lucknow, Chennai, Delhi, Aurangabad and Agra to conduct a series of bilateral meetings with their Indian partners.

In Delhi, the group attended the 12th edition of the International Rail Equipment Exhibition (IREE) and the accompanying conference on the theme of "Technology Transforming Railways - Opportunities and Chalenges for Industry", the inaugural plenary session of which was addressed by Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chiet Executive Officer of the Czech Railways Pavel Krtek.

The delegation was honoured to have the opportunity to call on Chief Minisfer of Uttarpradesh Shri Yogi Adityanath, on Union Minister of Railways and Coal Piyush Goyal and on Union Minister of State with Independent Charge in the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs Shri Hardeep Singh Puri.


s Hardeep Singh Purim


A wide range of issues related to mutual cooperation in the railway sector was also discussed at the first meeting of the Steering Committee established by the Memorandum of Understanding between the Czech Railways and the Association of Czech Railway Industry (ACRI), on the one side, and the Indian Railways, on the other side, which took place in Delhi on October 13th, 2017.

"It has been a successful mission which contributed immensely to better understanding of what the two countries' governments and their companies can do together  in a sector so important for robust and sustainable growth of their economies. The point we have been trying to get across was that Czech railway companies represent a very good solution for those who are looking for a high level of professionalism, price competitive solutions and true commercial and industrial partnerships. Best practices exchanges and experience sharing from respective transformation  processes provide yet another opportunity for mutual cooperation," Ambassador Hovorka commented intensive networking exercise.

