Czech Firms Interested in Nuclear Energy Cooperation
27.10.2016 / 16:32
Top class Czech engineering companies supplying nuclear energy technologies came to India in the framework of program supporting economic cooperation financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. The Czech delegation lead by H. E. Milan Hovorka, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to India visited in three days 19. – 21.10. 2016 Mumbai and New Delhi. The business delegation consisting of Czech companies such as: Doosan Škoda Power, Vítkovice Machinery Group, Sigma Group, Škoda Praha and MSA met several representatives of private and public companies and participated on Conference and Exhibition „India Nuclear Energy Summit“.
In Mumbai the Delegation met with A. M. Naik, Executive Chairman of Larsen & Toubro, S. K. Sharma - Managing Director and Chairman of the NPCIL, the Council of EU Chambers of Commerce in India and their members, R. S. Yadavem - Advisor of Managing Director of Walchandnagar Industries.
The second day of the program the Delegation participated on Exhibition and Conference „India Nuclear Energy Summit“, and met senior representatives of Godrej Group of Companies, Cyient, Avasarala Technologies, Nuclear Fuel Complex, Kirloskar Brothers and Nuvia India.
Confederation of Indian Industry organized a working breakfast on the premises of the Czech Embassy with a presentation on nuclear liability law. The Delegation visited the headquarters of the Punj Lloyd company and met the top management representatives. Later during the day meetings with Gurdeep Singh - Managing Director and Chairman of the NTPC and with top management of BHEL took place.