Czech companies to showcase at Aero India
28.01.2019 / 15:35
Delegation led by Hon'ble Minister of Defence Lubomírem Metnar accompanied by representatives of Czech defence and security industry representatives will come to Aero India 2019, in Bengaluru between 20 - 24 February 2019.
The Czech Republic will participate at the Aero India 2019 with a Czech pavilion where Czech companies such as Czechoslovak Group/Eldis (www.eldis.cz) and PBS Velká Bíteš (www.pbs.cz) will be showcasing their products and solutions with support of the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic, Embassy of the Czech Republic in New Delhi and CzechTrade agency.
Among the participants there will be following Czech companies:
Aircraft Industries (www.let.cz)
ATG - Advanced Technology Group (www.atg.cz)
CATC – Czech Aviation Training Centre (www.catc.cz)
DEFCON (www.defcon.cz)
ERA (www.era.aero)
GE Aviation Turboprops (www.geaviation.cz)
LA Composite (www.lacomposite.com)
NG Aviation SE (www.ngaviation.eu)
Omnipol (www.omnipol.com)
In case you require further information please do not hesitate to contact the Embassy at: milan_tous@mzv.cz