The Czech Republic in Assam
14.02.2018 / 11:18
The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Delhi accepted an invitation to attend the first Assam Global Investors Summit, called Advantage Assam, in its capital, Guwahati, on 2. and 3. February 2018.
The summit was visited by the business mission of Czech companies, led by Ambassador Milan Hovorka and represented another of the actions in support of economic diplomacy developed by the Embassy in Delhi.
The mission received the participation of HomeCredit, Škoda Auto, Papcel or ALINZ (Petrocard), for whom the Embassy prepared quality networking program.
The companies also had the opportunity to present themselves in a block dedicated to the Czech Republic, launched by Ambassador Milan Hovorka.

The fact that Czech companies focus only on the biggest growth poles in India is long gone. Opportunities for business cooperation also arise at the regional level, and the Assam State is just such a region with high potential. Above-average growth of more than 10% of GDP per year, a large population of 31 million people, and a strategic location make Assam another area for investors and Czech traders are very well aware of that.
The significance of the Summit was multiplied by the fact that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Minister of Industry and Commerce Suresh Prabhu honoured it with theirs participation. Present were also the greatest captains of the Indian industry, such as Mukesh Ambani or Ajay Singha..
Milan Dostál, Economic Diplomat, Embassy of the Czech Republic in Delhi