Working Visit of the Ambassador M. Hovorka to Nepal
14.10.2021 / 12:20 | Aktualizováno: 18.10.2021 / 09:02
Due to the upcoming ending of the diplomatic mission, the Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Nepal based in Delhi, Milan Hovorka, visited Kathmandu from 2 to 4 October 2021. During the visit, he met with Nepalese President Bidya Devi Bhandari, Foreign Minister Narayan Khadka, Finance Minister Janardan Sharma, First Deputy Foreign Minister Bharat Raj Paudyal and Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Nepal Nona Deprez. During other occasions, he met with a number of other senior government officials, politicians and public representatives. Entire visit was perfectly prepared by the Honorary Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Kathmandu, Mr Vishnu Agarwal.
Nepalese officials appreciated that Mr Hovorka had come to say goodbye even in these difficult conditions caused by the pandemic and associated restrictive measures. They have also thanked the Ambassador for all the efforts and activities that, during his almost six years of work, have contributed to maintaining the positive development of mutual relations and to deepening interpersonal relations. An expression of appreciation was the acceptance by the head of state, which is not usual for similar occasions.
In every reception were discussed views on the current development of the covid-19 pandemic. Officials stated with reasonable caution that the situation in both countries is under control, but the end of the pandemic is still far. The Ambassador emphasized the Czech Republic's active role as a member of the European Union in the global fight against the pandemic and clarified that the Czech Republic will provide two million doses of covid-19 vaccines to assist a number of countries through the COVAX mechanism.
The Ambassador agreed with the partners that the visit of members of the Parliament of the Czech Republic led by its Vice-President contributed to the political development of relations. The fact that the reciprocal visit of Nepalese legislators to the Czech Republic could not be carried out is a consequence of the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic.
In the part of the talks focused on foreign policy, the parties appreciated regular contacts of both countries in international organizations, in which they worked together to address global challenges including climate change, green recovery, and supported each other through exchanges of candidates for elected positions.
In particular, the Ambassador discussed with the First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs B. Paudyal the draft of resolution on equal participation in political and public life, which will the Czech Republic and other countries submit to the Human Rights Council, and asked the Nepalese side to support the proposal, which has been adopted by a consensus in the past.
Economic cooperation did not experience any major progress, despite a number of events aimed at raising awareness of opportunities and creating networking opportunities for Czech companies and their Nepalese partners. In Nepal, there is an interest in Czech technology, which is strengthened by the presence of well-known Czech brands on the local market, especially in the automotive and aerospace industries and in the field of hydropower. In the case of the Škoda brand, its cars are imported in increased quantities from India, where they are manufactured.
The Ambassador repeatedly emphasized that the process of mutual knowledge for the purposes of economic cooperation would be facilitated by greater regularity in the activities of the Mutual Czech-Nepal Commision, which was established by agreement between the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Nepalese Ministry of Finance.
Major progress was made in the area of interpersonal relations, with thousands of Czech tourists visiting Nepal every year. The Czech side is happy to hear about the interest of young Nepalese who want to study at some of universities in the Czech Republic. In order to make the visa process in the part of short-stay visas easier, a visa application center was opened in Kathmandu in cooperation with VFS Global.
The Ambassador appreciated reopening of Nepal for vaccinated tourists. He stated that similar rules apply for citizens of third countries traveling to the Czech Republic. If they are vaccinated with vaccines approved by the European Medicines Agency or the World Health Organization, they do not need to undergo quarantine after arriving to the Czech Republic. The Ambassador announced that from October 4, 2021, Nepal is included in the list of countries whose vaccination certificates against covid-19 are recognized for the purpose of traveling to the Czech Republic.
During the talks, Nepalese partners once again thanked the Czech Republic for providing development assistance to Nepal in recent years through small local projects, the MEDEVAC program, NGOs (People in Need, Namasté Nepal) or as a member of the European Union. In their grateful memories, Nepalese officials returned to the help provided by the Czech Republic after the devastating earthquakes in 2015.
During his stay in Kathmandu, the Ambassador also met with the Director of the Nepalese Representation of the NGO People in Need, Věra Exnerová. During the meeting, he greatly appreciated her personal commitment and the deployment of the organization in the very difficult conditions of the pandemic.
Honorary Consul General V. Agarwal was present at all meetings. The Ambassador did not miss a single opportunity to express gratitude for his commitment and to appreciate everything he and the entire consulate team do not only to represent the interests of the Czech Republic, but also to support Czech-Nepalese relations.