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Small Local Projects Realized in Sri Lanka in 2017

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic approved three  small local development projects in Sri Lanka in 2017. The total amount of the support of the Czech Government amounted to almost 648,351.00 CZK (approx. 26,000 USD).

1) Improvement of  Working Conditions and Training Possibilities for Local Women of the Women´s Empowerment

The project will be realized by Nature Conservation Society (NCS). The project is supported by 228,351.00 CZK

The project is focused on supporting local children from tsunami affected and low income families. The Education Development Center (EDC) was built 10 years ago to provide trainings for women and children aimed to language courses, IT skills, handicraft techniques. The project is focused on funding of lessons for local people and on the extension of the centre to be more accessible for more candidates.

2) Children Deserve the Best (CDB) Project

The project will be realized by ADRA Sri Lanka. The project is supported by 220,000.00 CZK.

The project is localized in poor rural communnities in Nuwara Eliva, where more tnan 7 % of children have no access to the basic education. I tis focused on the establishing a library system in two rural schools. This will ensure that children have access to good books that will enhance and compliment their learning. It will be also focused on training teachers on how to ensure the psychological wellbeing of their students and on basic training in teaching techniques.

3) Supporting Organic Agriculture Movement in Sri Lanka trough Participatory Guarantee Systém

The project will be realized by Lanka Good Market (Guarantee) Limited. The project is supported by 200,000.00 CZK

The project is focused on using so called „participatory guarantee systém“ for farmers focused on organic agriculture. Scaling up the organic PGS would increase market access for small-scale organic farmers and make organic more accessible and affordable for consumers.