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Small Local Projects Realized in Sri Lanka in 2016

Venue: Sri Lanka

The Czech Government supported three  small local development projects in Sri Lanka in 2016. The total amount of the support of the Czech Government amounted to almost 1.3 million CZK (approx. 52,000 USD). 

1.  Improvement of the Educational Standard and Training Possibilities at the Education Development Center in Aluthgama

The project was realized by Nature Conservation Society.



The project was supported by 279,615.00 CZK.

The project was focused on supporting local children from tsunami affected and low income families.

The Education Development Center (EDC) was built 10 years ago to provide trainings for women and children aimed to language courses, IT skills, handicraft techniques.

Several computers were bought for EDC and several training lessons in patchwork  which were realized by EDC were financed as part of this project.





2.  Recovery Assistance to War Affected Communities

This project was realized by ADRA Sri Lanka.




The project was supported by 191,683.00 CZK.

The project was focused on enhancing the accessibility to water for the war affected communities in the Kilinochchi District.

In the framework of the project the hydro-geophysical investigations were done to identify the best locations, two agro pumps were constructed in the Jeyapuram village after locating the best positions and the water tanks for the two agro wells were purchased and the stands for the overhead structure were completed.



3.  Biogas as a Sustainable Consumption and Production Technology

The project was realized by Janathaskshan.



The project was supported by 288,298.00 CZK.

During the project 3 biogas units were built, 6 bricklayers had trainings for building of other units.

Janathasshan organized several events for students, teachers and farmers focused on training in waste treatement. 

1 000 brochures and banners for trainig events were also printed.

