Farewell visit of H.E. Miloslav Stašek to Sri Lanka in June 2015
01.07.2015 / 09:27 | Aktualizováno: 23.01.2017 / 10:16
In order to bid farewell at the completion of his mission H.E. Miloslav Stašek visited Sri Lanka between June 22 - 26, 2015. Ambassador met several dignitaries of the Sri Lankan Government and took the opportunity to recapitulate the development of mutual relations during the past 5 years of his term, and put stress on further enhancement of bilateral relationship and on successful completion of pending issues in mutual agenda. Involvement of the Czech Republic in Sri Lanka was highly appreciated at all levels and Sri Lankan authorities underlined continuing interest in further deepening of relations with the Czech Republic especially in economic cooperation and investment. Ambassador M. Stašek also met with representatives of NGO ADRA Sri Lanka that received 300 000 CZK for the realization of s.c. Small Local Project in water management in 2015.
During his recent visit H.E. Miloslav Stašek was received by Sri Lankan President M. Sirisena, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, Chairman of the Parliament Chamal Rajapaksa, Secretary General of the Sri Lankan Parliament Dhammika Dasanayake and other governmental dignitaries. Ambassador further pursued talks with Foreign Minister Mangala Smaraweera, Finance Minister R. Karunanayake, Minister of Lands M. Gunawardana, Minister for Plantations and Infrastructure Development U. Digambaram, Minister of Tourism and Sports E. Dissanayake, Minister of Health Dr. Rajitha Senarathne, Commander of the Sri Lankan Air Force Gagan Bulathsinghala, Director of Zoological Gardens and National Parks of Sri Lanka Anura de Silva and with President and General Secretary of the Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka M. de Silva and Shiham Marikar respectively.
Both President and Prime Minister highly appreciated the assistance provided by the Czech Republic during tsunami in 2004 which claimed over 30,000 victims and half a million Sri Lankans lost their homes. The Czech Republic got further recognition for the delivery of weapons to the Government during the last months of the civil war that helped the government end to the conflict after long 30 years. According to President M. Sirisena, thanks to long-standing engagement the Czech Republic has exceptionally good reputation in Sri Lanka and mutual relations have always been positive, now it´s the best time to utilize this exceptional status and transform it into mutually beneficial economic activities.
At the end of the audience President and Prime Minister of Sri Lanka thanked the Ambassador for his immense contribution to the development of bilateral relations and wished him success in his future career. During Ambassador Stašek´s tenure series of important bilateral visits and trade missions were organized and these events beyond all doubt contributed to the deepening of relations between the two countries. Despite the fact that the Czech Republic does not have an Embassy in Colombo, bilateral relations intensified and increased in recent years. Sri Lanka wishes to further deepen economic cooperation and the Czech Republic is keen to investment, work on establishment of joint venture companies and to set up of some of the major Czech brands in Sri Lanka, which could be a flagship example of mutual economic cooperation.