
Framework Decision on Disengagement of Forces and Hardware in Eastern Ukraine

The Framework Decision on Disengagement of Forces and Hardware in Eastern Ukraine was signed by the Trilateral Contact Group in Minsk on 21 September 2016.

After three months of negotiations, the Framework Decision on Disengagement of Forces and Hardware along the contact line in Eastern Ukraine was reached. The document was signed within the Trilateral Contact Group by representatives of Ukraine and Russian Federation and the Special Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office in Ukraine and in the Trilateral Contact Group Martin Sajdik, also initialled by representatives from certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. An agreement on disengagement of forces and creation of security zones in Zolote, Petrivske and Stanytsia Luhanska was reached at the same time.

OSCE Chairperson-in-Office and German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier welcomed the Framework Decision as a new instrument to calm the situation along the line of conflict. He called on sides to implement the Decision as without silent weapons in this region any progress in the political area cannot be achieved.