Water for Guimaras with Czech help
14.12.2017 / 08:46 | Aktualizováno: 14.12.2017 / 09:04
The Czech Republic help to establish a new water supply for local people in San Roque village in Guimaras by building up of two concrete tanks and repairing of an old former water source - deep well.
Stable water source is now provided for the local people in the village in San Roque in Guimaras island as well as for the mango farm which is a source of employment of the local people. Two water tanks of 14 x 8 m3 have been established on the basis of the existing stream, provided a sustainable source of water for the whole year round.
Thanks to a successful and developing cooperation between Mendel University Brno, the mango farm is being used also for a training and internships of their students. Established water source enables an intensive using of the mango farm and ecopark not only for Mendel University students but also the other cooperative universities from the Czech Republic.
The project has been implemented with the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, funds of so-called "small local development projects" in the amount of 200 000 CZK.