Hiking trails in central Negros
13.12.2017 / 09:52 | Aktualizováno: 14.12.2017 / 07:57
A network of hiking trails in a lesser known nature park of Northern Negros was established thanks to the joint efforts of University of St. La Salle in Bacolod and Mendel University in Brno, based on the methodology of the Czech Tourist Club.
The main aim of the project was to create a network of hiking trails in a lesser known nature park of Northern Negros following the methodology of the Czech Tourist Club. 6 touristic trails were identified and marked in the area of Gintubdan (from two different starting points) in the length of 19.5 km. Final system of touristic trails consists of two starting points and network of marked and equipped touristic trails: 1. "Adventure trails" (two trails leading to either Ezy fall or to Twin falls), 2. "Ecotouristic trails" (four trails leading to Oro fall, Buslugan fall, Salas Pavillion and remarkable natural spots). The trails are equipped by marks, marking posts, stabilization objects and relaxing points. All interesting nature exhibits and specific nature of National Park Mt. Kanlaon are highlighted. GPS locators were used to determine the positions of all hiking trails in the terrain and on the basis of the collected data the maps are being processed. Partial goal of the project included the implementation of the unique Czech technology of marking hiking trails used by the Czech Tourist Club. The trails in protected Nature Park, are intended to show the importance of nature preservation, protection of local species and consequences of nature damage to the visitors. All the trails are now marked as the foot paths with respect to surrounding environment. Project was implemented by La Salle University Bacolod in cooperation with Mendel University in Brno with support of Municipality La Carlota, DENR Bago and local people from Gintubdan (guides and their local company) and Guimaras Island (carpenters and building workers).