Czech humanitarian project provided evacuation shelters and WASH facilities
09.11.2020 / 07:50 | Aktualizováno: 07.12.2021 / 06:00
The organization ACCORD completed in August 2020 the humanitarian project financed from Czech Humanitarian Aid programme, focused on providing alternative shelters and WASH facilities to four Filipino cities of Navotas, Malabon, Cebu City and Cagayan de Oro.
A project named “Improving Preparedness Capacities of Communities and Local Governments by Enhancing Shelter Conditions and WASH Facilities in the Selected Evacuation Sites” was selected for implementation by the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2019 with the amount of 3 mil. CZK.
The Project, implemented by a Filipino NGO “ACCORD Incorporated, was implemented between October 2019 to August 2020.
The Project strengthened the disaster preparedness capacities of high-risk urban poor communities and city local governments by providing safe and sufficient shelter and Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) facilities for the current and potentially displaced populations in selected urban poor communities. in Malabon and Navotas in National Capital Region, Cebu in Central Visayas, and Cagayan de Oro in Northern Mindanao.
The project addressed the needs and gaps of respective local governments and high risk urban poor communities when it comes to disaster preparedness. It offered solutions in addressing these gaps, and demonstrate effectiveness of these solutions. The alternative temporary shelters (ATS) deployment showcased that an effective and efficient management and coordination of evacuation camps should be part of the pre-established capacities of the communities and LGUs.
The assistance provided by the Project were considered by the LGU and community partners to be highly relevant, timely, and appropriate. These tangible forms of support also came with strengthening the partnership and capacities of the Local Government Units and other actors and stakeholders.
Overall, the Project was able to reach some 241,571 beneficiaries from 48,556 families in four cities across the Philippines, and achieved the following major milestones:
- Provided safe and dignified emergency shelters to 532 internally displaced populations (IDPs) affected by fire in Malabon and Cagayan de Oro, and homeless families in Navotas during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Prepositioned a total of 209 units of alternative temporary shelters – 100 units of sets of Barrel Vault Tents and 109 units in 4 sets of Temporary Partition in covered court evacuation camps for the four targeted cities. These units, which were deployed in actual emergencies and will be used again in future disaster events, augmented the local government’s emergency response capacities.
- Supported the local government units in setting up the systems and structures of community quarantine facilities in Malabon and demonstrated low-cost but effective quarantine facilities to other LGUs and national government agencies. 36 units of isolation units were fabricated which now serves to augment patient care capacity of the city hospital.
- Improved/constructed a total of 10 latrines in areas of evacuation sites; installed 4 bathing areas in community quarantine facility; and developed designs for Portable Handwashing Stations that are inclusive, movable, deployable and can be used in various contexts. Nineteen (19) units of Portable Handwashing Stations were handed over to communities in 3 cities which is part of the communities’ efforts in mitigating the spread of COVID-19.
- Supported the conduct of webinars and learning sessions facilitated by the Resilience and Innovation Learning Hub (RILHub), through sharing the lessons, insights, and experiences in setting up Community Quarantine Facilities (June 24, 2020) and in Camp Coordination and Camp Management (September 17, 2020), attended by 98 and 335 participants, respectively.
- Tapped local expertise by collaborating with small enterprises such as local steel and upholstery fabricators in redesigning, improving, and innovating new variants of the Barrel Vault Tent and conducted trainings with Local Government Units emergency responders in setting up the improved Barrel Vault Tent models.
At the outcome level, the intervention significantly improved evacuation center conditions and camp management services of local governments during actual displacements and in anticipation of new ones. Capacities of local governments increased with the augmentation of shelter and WASH facilities in strategic areas and training of personnel. Moreover, the intervention augmented local government capacities in mitigating the spread of COVID-19 through provision of WASH facilities and ATS models adapted as community quarantine facilities.