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Call for Proposals - Local Transformation Projects in 2020

(This article expired 31.10.2019 / 01:00.)

The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Manila wishes to announce a call for proposals of the “Local Transformation Projects” financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic within the framework of the Czech Republic transition and human rights cooperation, aimed to support local NGOs quest for suport of human rights and democracy.


Transition Local Small Scale Projects

The aim of the project is to support local implementer´s activities in the following areas:

  1. Supporting civil society, including human rights defenders;

  2. Promoting freedom of expression ad information, including freedom of the media;

  3. Promoting an equal and full political and public participation;

  4. Supporting institution-building in the area of the rule of law;

  5. Promoting equality and non-discrimination;

  6. Promoting human rights in employment and the environmental context.



  1. Sharing and transfer of the experience of the Czech project promoters;

  2. Sharing of information, experience and good practices;

  3. Organization of training and seminars, visits and secondments for Czech experts to target countries;

  4. Study visits to Czech Republic for foreign participants involved in the projects;

  5. Micro grants to grassroots organizations.


Who can apply

A project can only be proposed and implemented by a local entity that has legal subjectivity in the Philippines (NGOs, networks, platforms, umbrella organizations of NGOs).

A contribution cannot be claimed by an individual.



Implementation of the project activities are about 6 months (March - October 2020).

Budget and possible contribution

The financial contribution for a project is up to 400,000 CZK (approx. 1,000.000,- PHP). One organization may apply for one project only.

The project should be effective and economical, all receipts must be documented.



How to apply

The application for the grant must include:

  • The filled-in identification form in English, signed and stamped by the organization.

  • amount in PHP requested (Czech crowns sections to be left blank)

  • A verified copy of the certification that the applicant has legal subjectivity in the Philippines (i.e. it is officially registered);

  • A confirmation that the person signed on the identification form has the mandate to sign the identification form. 


The application (including scanned documents) must be delivered electronically by October 18, 2019 at the latest  to jana_peterkova@mzv.cz .

After approval of the project by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Manila will sign the contract about the implementation of the project with a successful applicant no later than 15th March 2020.

Project must be completed and all finances spent by the end of October 2020 at the latest.

The final report and photo documentation must be delivered to the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Manila no later than 15th November 2020.

All questions should be sent by e-mail to the address: jana_peterkova@mzv.cz  Subject of the message should be "Transition 2020".


LTP Project Identification Form 52 KB XLS (Excel document) Sep 30, 2019