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Launch of Twisted Travels book on Central Europe

With the financial support of Czech Embassy in Manila, writer Jessica Zafra published a travel book "Twisted Travels".

A travel book "Twisted Travels - Rambles from Central Europe" by writer Jessica Zafra was published by Anvil Publishing and launched in Manila.

The publishing of the book was financially supported by the Central European Embassies based in Manila (Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland). It was a additional product of Jessica zafra´s visit to the Czech Republic in October 2017 to shoot a documentary on Filipino footprints in the Czech Republic "Czech Trek".

The documentary was a project of Economic Diplomacy of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, in cooperation with CzechTourism office in Seoul.

In the book, Jessica Zafra details her trips through key destinations. 

As the literary critic Mookie Katigbak-Lacuesta  puts it: "Often they’re running commentaries of the day as she lives them: rambles and ramblings through the Czech Republic, Italy, Vienna, Budapest, France and Poland... where she moves about without the bedraggled haste of tourists catching and missing flights and trains, or trying to catch a museum before closing time after visiting 10 monuments and 15 churches. The main strength of the book lies in its gems of observation."