The Week of European Languages
11.11.2010 / 09:16 | Aktualizováno: 02.03.2018 / 05:33
The Embassy of the Czech Republic together with the other European Union Member States’ Embassies, Delegation of the European Union and academic institutions successfully launched the third edition of the Week of European Languages dubbed as “Linggo de Lingua” (July 27-31, 2010).
The main objective of this event is to promote the European culture to the Filipinos and language enthusiasts. Students, teachers and guests get a taste of European culture through the exciting activities prepared for them.
This week-long event was participated by different academic institutions namely De La Salle - College of Saint Benilde, Miriam College, Ateneo de Manila University and this year’s host university Lyceum University of the Philippines.
Guests who attended the opening ceremonies, which took place on July 27, 2010 in Lyceum University, truly enjoyed the superb dance performance as well as the rendition of popular Manila songs of their students. Language classes were also conducted on the same day. Students took part on the lecture and language demos prepared by participating embassies and language institutions. The Czech Embassy’s presentation was more than a language demo. Students did not only learn basic Czech words and expressions but were also given a glimpse of the richness of the Czech culture. Czech Republic’s brief history and background as well as its famous personalities and landmarks were also presented to the students. Prizes were also awarded to the students who excelled in the assessment test which was given to them after the presentation. The language classes were then followed by a cooking demo performed by Chef Pâtissier Sébastien Cocquery from the Peninsula Manila, Go Navigate and the exciting Iron Chef.
Language classes were also conducted at the De La Salle University – College of St. Benilde. Thirty or so participants from St. Benilde had also similar rewarding experience. The presentation enabled the students to learn more about the Czech Republic. They were even eager to answer the questionnaires which were distributed after the class. Prizes were given to the top 3 students who finished the exam the fastest and less mistakes. One student even got a perfect score! Classes were then followed by the EU Quiz show. There were a total of seventeen participating schools wherein they were asked to answer trivia questions related to different European countries. The audience were also challenged intellectually as they also tried to answer some of the questions raised.
Miriam College and Ateneo Manila University on the other hand organized interesting activities such as a film festival, video show, blogger’s event dubbed “Trek Around Europa”, a conference on “European Languages for Your Future” as well as language classes.
Linggo de Lingua’s closing ceremony took place in Instituto Cervantes on July 31, 2010. It was also when the winners for all the activities were awarded.
Undeniably, this year’s Linggo de Lingua has achieved its goals. We truly commend our co-organizers most especially all those who participated in all the activities. We truly salute the students who embraced the whole idea of learning. It was truly a worthwhile experience!