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Linggo de Linggua Europa IV (LLE4)

Linggo de Linggua is an annual project involving the European Union (EU) Member States Embassies, the EU cultural institutions, the Delegation of the European Union to the Philippines in collaboration with notable academic institutions in the Philippines.

Now on its 4th edition, this year’s week of European languages was held from November 21 to December 3, 2011 with the joint efforts of seven (7) academic institutions: De La Salle - College of Saint Benilde, Miriam College, Asian Institute of Management, Lyceum University of the Philippines, Arellano University, University of the Philippines and Ateneo de Manila University.

Linggo de Linggo IV formally opened with “Czech Polka” on November 21 at De La Salle - College of Saint Benilde, courtesy of the hosting college’s Romançon Dance Company. While student booths in UP Diliman and several other participant campuses featured magazines, brochures, images and education materials from the Czech Republic - showcasing its beauty, culture and allure for the duration of the festival.

Each participating institute took turns hosting a series of fun and engaging activities for a day:

DLS-CSB presented an EU Quiz, a film festival, round table discussions, language demonstrations and a cooking demo. Miriam College featured food booths, info desks, language demo classes, a film festival and a video of European singers.

A first-time participant, the Asian Institute of Management (AIM) hosted language demo classes, a career round table discussion and a business plan competition. While Lyceum of the Philippines University (LPU) engaged students with language demo classes, an EU Quiz Bee and Trek-a-Europa. Arellano University featured language demo classes, round table discussions, a cooking demo, Quiz Bee with a culinary competition as its major highlight.  

The University of the Philippines (UP)organized a Poetry Choral Recitation Contest and “eUroPa: Europe at the UP – Amazing Race.” Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU) had booths, info desks, language demo classes and Study Abroad Talks. A round table discussion called "Language: your competitive advantage" concluded the day’s events.

The LLE 4 awarding and Closing Ceremonies took place in Instituto Cervantes on Saturday, December 3.   

The EU's policy of multilingualism has been an important tool to pave the way towards achieving economic competitiveness, growth and better jobs, promoting lifelong learning and intercultural dialogue and nurturing a space for European political dialogue through multilingual communication with its almost 500 million citizens. 

This year’s Lingo de Lingua Europa 4 was organized in partnership with IBM. The multinational technology and consulting corporation presented the company’s job opportunities and recruitment process, highlighting the importance of learning EU languages as a student and an upcoming professional.

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