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FEUlikulahan 3: Czech and Filipino films

The Embassy of the Czech Republic was invited by the Far Eastern University through the President’s Committee on Culture as one of the main participants of the recently concluded FEUlikulahan 3. It’s a three day (Nov. 17 – Nov. 19, 2010) film festival featuring Czech and Filipino films.

The official opening of the film festival took place on November 17, 2010 at the Far Eastern University Manila campus. H. E. Josef Rychtar, Czech Ambassador to the Philippines together with Ms. Lydia Echauz spearheaded the opening ceremonies as well as the opening of the Exhibition of the “Czech Best” and “Velvet Revolution”. Members of the diplomatic corps, FEU officials and professors, journalists and other movie enthusiasts were also present during the event. Representatives from the local tv station Net 25 provided video coverage and will feature this event on “Tribe’s” upcoming episodes.  The opening salvo was then followed by the screening of the documentary film-“Velvet Revolution”. Almost 1000 students, from different colleges and departments, filled the FEU auditorium and listened attentively to Ambassador Rychtar’s lecture. It enabled the students to get to know more Czech Republic’s history and culture. To conclude the first day of the festival, the Czech film “The Rebels” was screened. The Rebels is a retro-movie with songs from the sixties. It’s a story about love which was not favored by history. A high-school graduate Tereza and a boy who has escaped from army service Simon are the main protagonists of the film which takes place in August 1968. Musical numbers with well known evergreens of the 60s make this film even more interesting.

The Czech film “Bába” (Grandma) was featured during the second day of the festival. It was attended by over 150 students from FEU. The film screening was then followed by a lecture conducted by Consul Monika Kazdova. The presentation was not only focused on the basic information about the Czech Republic but Consul Kazdova also touched upon the historical links between the Czech Republic and the Philippines. Embassy’s Administrative and Consular Assistant, Ms. Andrea Macaventa also shared her experiences as a student in the Czech Republic. She was one of the scholars for the Czech language summer program. Students were then asked to answer questions related to the lecture. The quiz show was facilitated by Ms. Mary Katherine Igban, Assistant to the Ambassador and Cultural Officer. Special gifts were given to students who got all the answers right.

The last day of the festival which took place on 19 November 2010 was held at Far Eastern University Makati campus.  Almost 200 Business Management students gathered at FEU Makati’s multi-purpose hall. Consul Monika Kazdova delivered a short lecture on Czech-Philippine trade relations. Embassy’s trade officer Ms. Michelle David also presented to the students different Czech products. Students were also very keen on answering questions related to the lecture. Ten lucky students received special prizes! The screening of the Czech film “S Tebou mĕ baví svĕt” (You Make the World Fun) concluded the festival. The students truly enjoyed this comedy film. It only shows that people can still appreciate films regardless of genre, production outfit or language used.

Due to the positive feedback received from this three day activity, the Embassy of the Czech Republic would like to continue with similar events in the near future.