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Czech Post-Avangarde Photography Exhibition

The selection of visually attractive large scale photographs of Václav Jirásek, combined with the more poetic black and white pictures of Radek Čermák and Igor Malijevský, which provide insights into contemporary Czech art photography, is now on show at Camera Club of the Philippines Center located at Makati´s Walter Mart until March 31.

Václav Jirásek presents his unique art of portraiture. The stylized portraits exhibit a broad scale, from black and white mystical portraits which refer to the Pre-Raphaelite painting to the recent color photographs. The mysticism and hidden secrets together with the sense for equivocal staging are the powerful means of Jirásek’s photographic art.


Igor Malijevský´s works show the author as a poet, who is able to transform poetry into dreamy images which are like doors into the endless world of free interpretations.

On the other hand, Radek Čermák depicts his own personal imaginative landscapes that he can enter and disappear in. The pictorialistic visual play with the “slightly out of focus” or “shaky” image expresses the longing for the quietness, slowing down, escape, and meditation.

"This exhibition," according to counsellor Jan Vytopil of the Czech Embassy, also a photographer and a member of Camera Club of the Philippines, "is a unique opportunity for the Filipino photography lovers to familiarize themselves with one piece in the puzzle of European photographic tradition through the display of chosen contemporary Czech photographers."

Czech photography is still scarcely seen in Manila, given the distance and costs related to its transport. However, Czech artists have long been participating in the mainstream of the world photography. The very first Czech photographs are dated from 1839 - the same year the photography was believed to have been invented.

The ribbon-cutting ceremony to launch the exhibition was spearheaded by Czech Ambassador Jaroslav Olša, jr. (2-l), Camera Club of the Philippines President Philip Clayton Yu (2-r) and Director of CCP Center Tilak Hettige (1-l). Also present is the Counsellor of the Czech Embassy Jan Vytopil (1-r).

During the opening Czech Ambassador Olša, jr. especially noted that "this is the first Czech contemporary art exhibition held in Manila after many years, if not the very first one," and added that he is "proud it could be held in cooperation with Camera Club of the Philippines," which was founded way back in 1928.

According to the Camera Club of the Philippines President Philip Clayton Yu, "with this exhibit, we celebrate friendship with our Czech friends along with our shared love of Photography. We are breaking new ground for the club in terms of international cooperation and understanding."


The exhibition is open in the Camera Club of the Philippines Center, from 10 am till 7 pm every day, including Saturdays and Sundays, until March 31.  The Center can be found on the 5th Floor of Walter Mart, Chino Roces Avenue, Makati City. [E]