Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

Call for initial project proposals for development projects in Zambia

(This article expired 30.06.2022.)

The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Lusaka is looking for initial project proposals within its bilateral development cooperation programme with Zambia. The proposals shall be submitted to the Embassy by June 30th, 2022.

The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Lusaka is looking for initial project proposals within its bilateral development cooperation programme with Zambia. The initial project proposals shall be submitted to the Embassy using the attached form, duly filled in and signed, by June 30th, 2022, 10:00 am. The initial project proposals must reflect the specific development needs of Zambia and be in line with the priorities of the bilateral development cooperation programme Czech Republic – Zambia.  Furthermore, the proposals shall reflect the objectives of the EU Multiannual Indicative Programme 2021-2027, with a specific focus on the Priority area 1 – „Green partnerships for sustainable recovery, growth and decent jobs“ and formulated TEI on “Climate Action for Inclusive Green Recovery and Growth in Zambia“.

The initial project proposals should target the Southern Province of Zambia, aiming at enhancing benefits to small and middle-scale farmers from equitable markets for green and diversified value chains in sustainable agro – food system. The focus of the proposed interventions should place emphasis on processing of agricultural produce, value addition and/or enabling the beneficiaries to enter into viable market relationships, incl. accessing customers, financing/insurance, necessary licensing and certifications, while embedding sustainable and climate smart agriculture practices and agro-ecological approaches.

The envisaged project will likely be implemented over a period of approx. 3 years with a total financial allocation of approx. USD 1 million.

Initial Project Proposal Identification Form (DOCX, 79 KB)