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Hurricane Hillary in the Southwest USA

Hurricane Hillary has been affecting the southwest USA, especially southern California, as a tropical storm since Sunday, August 20, 2023, and will last until next week. It brings the risk of flooding and disruption of the functionality of the transport and energy infrastructure.

We recommend that you follow the National Hurricane Center's information: https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/ and follow the current recommendations of local authorities. We also recommend watching the current coverage of TV and radio stations and news internet portals on the subject of "Hurricane Hillary".

During the passage of a tropical storm, we recommend limiting travel in affected areas to the bare minimum.

In case of emergency, citizens of Czechia can contact the consular emergency line of the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Los Angeles: +1 310 266 15 39.

We recommend Czech travelers to register in the DROZD system.