Scholarship for the Summer School of Slavonic Studies in Poděbrady, Czech Republic
02.01.2020 / 23:59 | Aktualizováno: 03.01.2020 / 00:17
Aplication Deadline – March 10, 2020
The Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Los Angeles is pleased to announce the launch of selection procedure for one scholarship at the Summer School of Slavonic Studies in Poděbrady, Czech Republic, from July 6 to July 31, 2020.
The scholarship is provided by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic (MEYS). Eligible applicant must reside in the states of jurisdiction of the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Los Angeles (Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming).
The Summer School of Slavonic Studies in Poděbrady (SSSS) offers Czech language courses at various levels of proficiency. The optional afternoon program consists of lectures held in Czech and English, showing Czech films, cultural and sport activities as well as field trips and excursions. It takes place in Poděbrady Study Center, about 40 kms to the East from Prague.
The courses at the SSSS are open to anyone who is interested in the Czech language, literature, history and culture. Minimum age requirement for attending the courses is 18 years (applicant has to reach the age of 18 on the first day of the Summer School at the latest).
At the end of the course, the participants will receive a certificate specifying the level of their knowledge of Czech (levels A1–B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference). This fact will also be acknowledged in the European Language Passport. The certificates will be received in the representative rooms of the castle in Poděbrady. The participants are also welcomed to sit for the Czech Language Certificate Exam at the end of July 2020 (the exam fee is not included in the scholarship, but participant of the Summer Scholl can get a discount). University and college students can receive a detailed description of the course to be given credits by their home institution.
The scholarship covers:
· Course fees, incl. study materials,
· Free board and lodging (incl. breakfast, lunch and dinner),
· Free access to cultural events, trips organized within a Summer School course.
The scholarship does not cover:
· International transportation to/from the Czech Republic,
· Travel medical insurance.
How to apply?
No later than March 10, 2020, applicants must submit:
1) The application form is available here: Application form_2020_SSSS.docx. with marked option “Poděbrady” on page No. 2,
2) Curriculum Vitae in the English or Czech language,
3) Motivation letter in the English or Czech language,
4) A copy of their passport data page, and
5) (optional) Recommendation letter from a Czech compatriot organization in the USA, from a school or university, or from an honorary consul of the Czech Republic,
by regular mail sent to the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Los Angeles, attention Aneta Campbell, 10990 Wilshre Blvd., Suite 1100, Los Angeles, CA 90024.
Please send also scans of all submitted documents to Aneta Campbell by e-mail to
Subsequently, the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Los Angeles will nominate one candidate and a maximum of two alternates to the MEYS.
Successful candidates will be contacted directly by the Summer School organizers.
The application contains applicant’s declaration that he/she intends to utilise the entire scholarship, and to attend all classes of the course. In case the scholarship holder misses more than 4 days of the course, the place on the course may be offered to an alternate.
If one of the officially nominated and admitted LSSSS participants is unable to attend the courses due to unforeseen reasons, he/she must immediately inform the Department of International Relations of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports at e-mail address, as well as the relevant Summer School so that an alternate can be contacted immediately.
You can find more information on the MEYS website or on the website
Participation in SSSS as a self-payer
Those interested can apply for the Summer School of Slavonic Studies as self-payers who will cover all costs themselves. Information on registration as a self-payer is available on the websites of the respective organizing schools.
Dates and other information about the Summer Schools of Slavonic Studies:
Organizers of the Summer School of Slavonic Studies courses.pdf