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Applications for Financial Gifts in 2023

Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Los Angeles informs compatriot organizations that the deadline for submitting the Application for Financial Gifts from the Czech Republic for the year 2023 is August 1, 2022.

The APLLICATION FORM  is available online in both the Czech and English languages. Please send the printed and signed original of the application to the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Los Angeles.

District of Los Angeles
Czech compatriot organizations registered in the states of Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, and Washington, Wyoming, as well as unincorporated territories of American Samoa, Guan and Northern Marianas.

The application should be sent to:

Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Los Angeles
Att. Aneta Campbell
10990 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1100
Los Angeles, CA 90024-4879

First time applicants should also submit the copy of organization’s registration in the US and articles of incorporation or statutes.

The step-by-step guidelines how to apply for a financial grant:

Step 1: Fill out the Application for Financial Grant online HERE
Step 2: Print the application.
Step 3: Sign and stamp the application.
Step 4: Save the online version of the application.
Step 5: Send the printed and signed application to the Consulate General.

In the second quarter of 2023, the Consulate General will notify the organizations on the approved allocations for 2023. Compatriot organizations are obligated to provide the Consulate with a final annual report and statement of account by January 15 of the following year. If the realization of a project is carried into the next calendar year, it is possible to transfer the outstanding resources to the next year, after the prior approval by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.