Winners of the Sustainable Development Awards announced at the Czernin Palace
04.10.2024 / 15:00 | Aktualizováno: 04.10.2024 / 15:11
On Thursday 3 October, the winners of the 7th SDGs Awards were announced at the Cernín Palace, the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Nine Czech companies, NGOs and personalities received the prestigious awards for their contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals, known as SDGs.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a traditional partner of the SDGs Awards. The project makes the often complex topic of sustainable development more accessible, strengthens awareness of the role of Czech diplomacy and raises the profile of unique Czech solutions from the private and non-profit sectors.
"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is one of the traditional partners of the SDGs Awards. We share an interest in a sustainable future in which Czechia thrives. A sustainable world is fairer, more prosperous and above all safer. I see the SDGs Awards as further confirmation our country can help to address global challenges and contribute to a better future for all of us," said Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský
In total, prizes were awarded in seven categories. The winners were selected by an expert jury from a record 269 entries. Minister Jan Lipavský announced the first ever winner of the award for public administration representatives, which bears the name of the late Ambassador Kateřina Fialková. In addition to her achievements in the field of security and European policy, Ambassador Fialková made a significant contribution to the resonance of sustainable development in Czech foreign policy. Among other things, she was at the origin of the SDGs Awards. The award was given to Ambassador Jan Kára, who was one of the first to focus on the environment and sustainable development in Czech foreign policy. The first prize in the Development Cooperation, Peace and Partnership category went to a project of Mendel University in Brno, which is helping to process mango pellets and reduce deforestation in Cambodia. You can read more about the winners of the other categories in the CSR Association article (www.spolecenskaodpovednost.cz).
The SDGs in the Czech Republic are awarded by the Social Responsibility Association in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Environment and, from 2024, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. They are a successful example of partnership between the public, non-governmental and business sectors, one of the key principles of sustainable development and the 2030 Agenda.
The 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals were adopted by UN member states in 2015.