Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

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Jan Lipavský
Photo: © MZV ČR / MFA CZ
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Minister Lipavský submitted to the Cabinet a new Security Strategy and a proposal to add more persons to the national sanctions list


Today, on the 28 June, the Cabinet approved, as result of the proposal of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, a new Security Strategy, which reflects the deteriorated security environment. The Cabinet also approved adding two more subjects to the national sanctions list.

"We have to respond to the deteriorated security environment. The period of peace in Europe is over. Czechia must be well prepared for the extreme possibility of becoming part of an armed conflict," said Minister Lipavský.

The approved Security Strategy is clear-sighted about threats and challenges, in particular those stemming from Russia and China. Russia acts deliberately against Czechia's political, economic and social stability. It poses a fundamental threat to our security. This also has negative consequences for Euro-Atlantic security.

The document states that we need to invest in our security at all levels: from sufficient defence spending, to prudence in trade relations or vigilance against disinformation, to personal computer security. It also stresses the crucial importance of NATO and EU membership for our security. “Russia and China share the interest to weaken the influence and unity of democratic countries. Citizens are contributors rather than mere consumers of security. A crucial task for the Government is to prepare them for this role," the Czech diplomatic chief stressed.

The other important point at today's government smeeting was the decision to include Vladimir Petrovich Yevtushenko and Felix Vladimirovich Yevtushenko on the national sanctions list.

"Yevtushenko is a leading Russian businessman who, together with his son, provides significant sources of income to the Russian government. Of course, we will propose the inclusion of these individuals on the EU sanctions list and we are still working on other names," the Czech foreign minister said.

The MFA worked with the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the police and intelligence services to include these names.


Security Strategy of the Czech Republic 2023 1 MB pdf (Adobe Acrobat document) Jul 3, 2023
