Frequently Asked Questions


1) Do I need a visa?

You need a visa for short-term stay (for up to 90 days in any 180 days period) if you fall into one of the categories listed in the Chapter Temporary Stay in the Czech Republic/Schengen Area with a Visa. If the country of your nationality is not listed in the mentioned list, you can travel to the Czech Republic/Schengen area without a visa for up to 90 days in any 180 days period, provided that your stay is non-profitable.

2) Can I submit both application for a Schengen visa and a long-term visa?

In case of same purpose of stay, the applicant is entitled to submit both applications for Schengen and long-term visa in case the purpose of stay is employment.

3) What do I need to in order to obtain Schengen visa?

a) Choosing the consulate where the application will be submitted

In order to start the visa process, the visa application needs to be submitted with all the supporting documents at a relevant consulate abroad. The application should be submitted at a consulate of a Schengen country which is the only/main destination of the trip. If it is not possible to determine the main purpose of the travel, the application will be submitted at the consulate of the first entry to the Schengen area.

Having fulfilled the above­-mentioned condition, you can submit the application at the Czech consulate in the country of your citizenship (or consulate accredited to this country) or in a country where you legally reside.

The application can be lodged also at a consulate of other Member stated provided that Czech Republic has concluded the agreement on representation with this state. The list of the consulates and places where Czech Republic is represented can be found here.

Contact of the Czech consulates worldwide can be found here.

b) Submitting of the application

The application needs to be submitted in person at the consulate. The application can be submitted not earlier than 3 months and not later than 15 days before the planned travel to the Czech Republic/Schengen area.

In order to submit the application, following needs to be presented: the visa application form, travel document, photo, travel medical insurance and other supporting documents – accommodation, financial means and document enabling the assessment of the applicant´s intention to leave the territory of the Member States before the expiry of the visa applied for. Detailed information on the documents can be found here. In case you have additional questions please contact the relevant consulate where the application will be submitted.

Visa fee needs to be paid (see the list of visa fees) and biometric data will be collected at the consulates where Visa information system is applied.

c) Invitation

Invitation can be presented as an official document verified by the office of the Alliens Police (forms can be obtained directly at these offices). This document proves the purpose of stay, financial means and accommodation. It does not, however, cover the travel medical insurance.

Invitation can be presented also as an official letter of inviting company. This document needs to include information about the applicant (same as in the data page of the travel document), information about the dates of intended travel to the Czech Republic and the reason of inviting the applicant to the Czech Republic. This document should be presented in original, signed by the representative of the inviting company. This document proves the purpose of stay only.

4) Who is deciding on the application?

The application is decided by the relevant consulate of the Czech Republic. The processing time of the application is 15 calendar days. This time can be extended for up to 30 days and in exceptional cases for up to 60 days. The decision of the consulate is based on the presented supporting documents and the interview with the applicant.

5) Can I appeal against the negative decision?

Within 15 days from receiving the information about rejecting the application, the applicant can appeal against the decision at the consulate that rejected the application. The processing time for assessing the appeal is 30 days from receiving the appeal at the consulate. Detailed information can be found here.

6) For how long can I obtain the Schengen visa?

a) Length of stay

The length of stay of a Schengen visa cannot exceed 90 days in any 180 days period. This means that in any 180 days period a foreigner can stay in the territory of the Czech Republic/Schengen area for maximum 90 days. In case this period of time is used, the foreigner needs to leave the territory of the Schengen area. In order to count days available for the stay in the Schengen area, the application of a calculator can be used.

b) Multiple-entry visa

In case the applicant proves his/her impeccability and credibility (e.g. by proper use of the previous Schengen visa) and the application is justified, the consulate can issue a multiple-entry visa. Validity of this visa can be for up to 5 years and entitled its holder to stay in the Schengen repeatedly area for up to 90 days within any 180 days period. The decision on issuing a multiple-entry visa is done by the consulate.

7) Can a Schengen visa be extended?

Extending the visa does not fall within the competence of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or consulates. In justified cases, the visa can be extended by the office of Aliens Police. The stay cannot be extended for the period of stay more than 90 days. More information on the extension of the visas can be obtained by the Directorate of the Aliens Police.

8) What am I do if the conditions of my travel changed after issuing of the visa (e.g. change of the accommodation)?

In case the conditions of the travel have changed, it is necessary to inform about the situation the consulate that issued the visa. If you do not do so, consequences may arise.

9) What does period of grace mean?

Period of grace extends the validity of visa by 15 days. This period, however, does not extend the number of days granted and does not allow to stay for more days than indicated in the visa sticker.

