Turkish defense industry - an opportunity for Czech companies
16.11.2021 / 13:09 | Aktualizováno: 16.11.2021 / 13:12
The Turkish defense industry has developed significantly over the last decade. Back in 2010, only one Turkish company was on the list of the world's 100 most important companies operating in the defense industry. 10 years later, their number has grown to seven, mainly due to strong state support, which invested $ 60 billion in the sector. The production of the Turkish arms industry thus increased from 1 billion USD in 2002 to 11 billions USD in 2020. The Turkish army, second largest in the North Atlantic Alliance, together with an extensive security apparatus, eventually creates a significant demand for products of Czech companies which could therefore find partners for joint projects.
Turkey's main goal is to boost self-sufficiency in the defense industry, which seems as succesful effort despite contry‘s continuing dependence on imports of sophisticated technologies and complex electronic systems. In the last five years, the volume of exports of the Turkish defense industry has increased by 30% and at the same time the volume of imports has decreased by about 60%. Exports amounted to $ 3.068 billion in 2019, compared to slightly higher imports of $ 3.088 billion. In 2020, exports fell to 2.28 ml USD and imports to 2.5 billion USD due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However in the first two quarters of 2021, Turkish exports and imports seems recovering. Growing total turnover is expected, which could reach USD 6-7 billion this year.
Turkey has launched a large-scale R&D program, increased investment in subsystem production and building new technology centers for SMEs same as supporting the growth of research institutions and universities.
At present, the export of Turkish weapons systems is being talked about mainly in connection with the production of Bayraktar TB2 drones. Turkish drones have proven themselves in the offensive in Syria, activities in Iraq, the war in Nagorno-Karabakh, but also in guarding the Turkish borders. Turkey had already exported drones to Azerbaijan and Ukraine, and other important orders came from Poland and Qatar.
Yet Bayraktar TB2 drones, as well as other successful products of the Turkish defense industry (eg: a new generation armored vehicle BMC, or missile system ATMACA) are still dependent on the import of essential components from abroad. Bayraktar production was affected by Canadian sanctions for the import of special cameras used in drones last year, due the US sanctions CAATSA Honeywell was unable to supply engines designed for T129 combat helicopters and because of that significantly affected their sales. Imports from the USA to Turkey alone have fallen by almost 75% since 2018. Turkey is thus looking for new suppliers who will be able to meet the new conditions of cooperation, including localization of production and technology transfer.
For Czech companies, the defense sector in today's Turkey appears to be one of the most interesting, stable and most trustworthy, as it is able to fully guarantee the fulfillment of all signed obligations, despite economic difficulties. From the point of view of Czech companies, Turkey can become not only a customer of their products, but also a partner country, in the case of joint projects with extensive Turkish trade support in the Middle East, Africa and Southeast Asia. The Czech participation in the IDEF 2021 in Istanbul also proove the interest in the Turkish defense industry. Czech companies in Istanbul presented their high technological level very successfully and, despite strong competition from foreign and Turkish companies, were able to attract foreign customers.
Other possibilities for the presentation of Czech armaments products in Turkey are offered at the following events:
Defense, Aviation and Maritime Industry Fair - Pendik 10.-13. November 2021 Savunma ve Sanayi Fuari - SAVUNMA SANAYI FUARI (sahaexpo.com) Arms Fair and Defense and Defense Industry - Konya November 18 - 20, 2021 Konya Savunma Sanayi ve Silah Fuari (savunmasanayifuari.com) Hunting and sports weapons - Istanbul, 2.-9. July 2022 Istanbul Prohunt Av Silah ve Doğa Sporları Fuarı (istanbulprohunt.com)