Exhibition "Queen Dagmar, Princess of Bohemia"
31.12.2012 / 15:01 | Aktualizováno: 28.03.2014 / 14:34
The exhibition "Queen Dagmar, Princess of Bohemia" which the Czech Embassy in Copenhagen prepared on the occasion of the 800th anniversary of Queen Dagmar´s death, is travelling around Denmark and the Czech Republic.
800 years have passed since the first known Czech “expat“ in Denmark – princess Markéta Drahomíra, Přemysl I. Otakar´s daughter and st. Anežka´s half-sister – died in 1212. The Czech Embassy actively took part in organising events which commemorate this important anniversary and prepared en exhibition in two language versions which is now travelling around Denmark and the Czech Republic. It consists of 20 panels with texts about the Přemysl Dynasty, the Valdemar Dynasty and other historical facts and legends written by Czech and Danish historians. The graphic setup was arranged by Ivan Prokop.
The exhibition was first presented in May 2012 in Ribe during the festival Dagmar800.
Statue Of Queen Dagmar Looks Towards Ribe, photo: Ivan Prokop
Few words about Queen Dagmar
In 1205 Bohemian princess Markéta Drahomíra came to Denmark to marry king Valdemar II the Victorious. After the wedding she adopted the name Dagmar and lived by the Danish royal court in the town of Ribe in Southwest Jutland. Unfortunately we don´t know much about her life today though she, as the only queen of the Danish Middle Ages, still lives in the folk ballads and legends from the 14th and 15th centuries which praise her kindness, generosity and beauty. Dagmar lived in Ribe only for a few years. She died young after the birth of her second son. According to historical records her fatal day was 24 May, however historians don´t agree on the year. The Danish side states the year 1212 while the Czechs believe it to be the year 1213.
Dagmar is buried in St. Bendt's Church in Ringsted, situated about 60 km southwest from Copenhagen. In the tomb she is buried together with her husband and his second wife Berengaria of Portugal.
Exhibition Queen Dagmar, Princess of Bohemia
Commemorative Postcard by Renáta Fučíková
Commemorative Postcard
Poster Queen Dagmar by Renáta Fučíková
The travelling exhibition´s journey in Denmark
11. December 2012 - 5 January 2013
Stiftsmuseet Maribo
Press Release
Exhibition Opening
Artikel Dronning Dagmar på Stiftsmuseet
Artikel En tjekkisk dronning
2 – 30 November 2012
Roskilde Library
Exhibition Opening
15 – 31 October 2012
the Faculty Library of Humanities of the University of Copenhagen
Exhibition Opening
9 August – 14 October 2012
Ringsted Museum
Exhibition Opening
Ringsted Middle Age Festival 2012
Choir Cantica
22 - 26 May 2012
The Old Town Hall
Exhibition Opening
Festival Program - Czech part
Festivalu Program
Article in Jyllands-Posten: 15-årig pige brik i grumt politisk spil
Article i Jyllands-Posten: Kunstner rørt af dronninge-skæbne
Article i Kristeligt Dagblad: I dronning Dagmars få tjekkiske fodspor
Czech Radio: Dánové si připomínají 800 let od smrti královny Dagmar z rodu Přemyslovců
The travelling exhibition´s journey in the Czech Republic (information in Czech)
Kutná Hora
8 Novemer – 16 December 2012
Sankturin House
Exhibition opening
27 September – 31 October 2012
National Library of the Czech Republic - Klementinum
Exhibition opening
Czech media:
Reflex - Dagmar zpátky doma
MF DNES - Milovaná Dagmar
Agentura Mediafax
Reportage ČT1
Radio Praha - Rozhovor s velvyslancem Zdeňkem Lyčkou
Český rozhlas 2 - rozhovor s velvyslancem Zdeňkem Lyčkou
Český rozhlas 3 - Vltava - rozhovor s velvyslancem Zdeňkem Lyčkou