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Economic information about Czechia

Business information

The official site for business professionals searching for information, assistance, or contacts on business activities in Czechia can be found at www.businessinfo.cz/.

Czech National Bank Economic Indicators

The Czech National Bank runs a daily-updated comprehensive site that includes monthly monetary indicators, statements on the CNB policies, extensive archives, minutes of Board Meetings, and other information.

Business Digest

Business Digest - read the top business and economic news in the latest electronic edition of our Embassy's newsletter Czech the News.

Czech Statistical Office

Czech Statistical Office provides an update of basic economic and statistical data.

Patria Finance

Homepage of the Patria Finance offers a whole range of useful information for investors in Czechia, including macroeconomic and business analysis, bond market updates, recommended investment strategies, real-time editorial of current economic development, on-line price list of stocks and bonds, and more.