Virtual university of the Third Age
25.01.2024 / 23:41 | Aktualizováno: 25.01.2024 / 23:47
Czech college courses for adults 50+ are coming to North America!
First term takes place January 1 – June 15, 2024. Students can register anytime until May 15th, 2024.
The Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague is the sole provider of university courses for seniors at remote locations in the Czech Republic. With over 15 years of experience in this popular project, they have established 330 consultation centers across the country, engaging nearly 7000 students every semester. Now the university has partnered with the T. G. Masaryk Czech School in state of Illinois, USA , allowing our compatriots to stay connected with the Czech language, culture, and each other.
Every semester, they will be bringing you two new courses (in Czech with English subtitles) you can study from the comfort of your home or with the help of the Masaryk School (
The first term extends until June 15, 2024. Each course comprises 6 video lectures (in Czech with English subtitles) and corresponding bilingual study materials. Individual lectures are released at three-week intervals. Students can register at any time until May 15th, 2024, and study independently at their own pace. Additionally, the Masaryk School provides coordination services. If you wish to meet fellow students in person at the T. G. Masaryk School, engage in discussions about the study material, and participate in related activities, the deadline to register is by Friday, February 2, 2024. After the registration deadline, they will contact all participants to establish a schedule and determine the format of meetings (in person vs. online) based on everyone’s availability and preferences.
More information including a registration is available at[UNIQID].