Visit of Mr Pavel Zeman, Prosecutor General of the Czech Republic, to the Council of Europe (22 October 2020)
26.10.2020 / 12:35 | Aktualizováno: 26.10.2020 / 12:47
The Prosecutor General of the Czech Republic, Mr Pavel Zeman, visited Strasbourg on 22 October 2020 to engage in an exchange of views with the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. The discussion was focused on the situation in prisons, the issue of the prison overcrowding and the use of alternative sentences.
During the exchange of views, it was discussed that the way forward with the prison overcrowding was not building new prison facilities and thus increasing their capacity, but looking for other means of implementing the criminal sentences with a view to integrating the prisoners into the society. The Prosecutor General presented findings of the special report drawn up by the Prosecutor General’s Office in 2019, and stressed that he and his collaborators were not looking for a punitive, but rather a restorative justice.
The Prosecutor General also met with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Ms Marija Pejčinović Burić, and discussed with her the issues of penitentiary reform, but also of independence of prosecution services and the fight against corruption, which is the focus of GRECO (Group of States against Corruption) reports. The Secretary General appreciated the active engagement of the Czech authorities, including the office of the Prosecutor General, and wished them well in their future endeavours.