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Organizational Structure of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Budapest


Political Section:

Eva Dvořáková - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic to Hungary

Miroslav Zozulák - Deputy Head of Mission, External Politics
Phone: +36 1 462 50 18

Petr Hošťálek - EU Affaires
Phone: +36 1 462 50 17


Daniela Zozuláková
Kamila Kážmérová

Phone: +36 1 462 50 13, +36 1 462 50 12


Consular Section:

Financial and Administrative Section:

Juraj Varga – Consul
Phone: +36 1 462 50 24
Barbora Bogyóová – assistant
Phone: +36 1 462 50 26
Virág Balogh – assistant
Phone: +36 1 462 50 14

Roman Stoklas - Head of the Section
Ivana Stoklasová – Accountant
Phone: +36 1 462 50 20

Economic and Commercial Unit:


Pavla Kačenová - Head of the Section
Phone: +36 1 462 50 15
Tanja Szelezsán - Economic and Trade Specialist
Phone: +36 1 462 50 38



Czech Centre:

Czech Trade:

Adéla Gálová
Phone: +36 1 462 50 65

Dóra Egressy – Chief
Phone: + 36 1 462 50 58