International conference on Roma issue in Bucharest with Czech participation
04.03.2015 / 01:00 | Aktualizováno: 05.03.2015 / 15:37
At the conference with participants from Visegrad Group countries, Romania and the EU in Bucharest on 4 March 2015, the Czech Republic was represented by Martin Martínek, Head of the Office of the Government Council for Roma Minority Affairs.
Participants of the conference shared best practices in Roma issue in their countries, particularly in areas of education, employment and housing. Importance of local communities for implementation of national Roma integration strategies was pointed out.
M. Martínek informed about the National Roma Integration Strategy up to 2020, as well as of a coordinated approach to social inclusion.
At the conference, which took place at the Representation of the European Commission in Bucharest, there were about 35 participants, including the Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Romania Vladimír Války.