The 62nd MSV International Engineering Fair will not take place until 2021
29.06.2020 / 10:18 | Aktualizováno: 01.07.2020 / 10:27
Due to the COVID situation, the traditional Brno International Engineering Fair, scheduled for October 5 – 9, 2020 held regularly since 1959 at the Brno Exhibition Center, in the Czech Republic has been canceled.
The decision was taken by the Board of Directors of Veletrhy Brno (BVV Trade Fairs Brno Co.) on June 25, 2020, on the basis of a thorough consideration of all factors and risks associated with the holding of the fair, including an evaluation of the current health rules for trade fairs and mass events. This breaks the long uninterrupted tradition of the fair, which in the last decade has become the leading industrial fair of Central Europe. “The MSV fair has never been canceled. But we had to end the lingering uncertainty surrounding its holding. It was the most difficult decision I ever had to make. After cancellation of AMB Stuttgart, the MSV is another COVID victim among leading European shows," announced Mr. Jiří Kuliš, CEO of BVV Trade Fairs Brno.
Persistent uncertainty, concerns about the further development of the epidemic, concerns about employee health, the risk of lower participation of business partners from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and other neighboring countries, including the absence of non-European participants have been major concerns on the part of exhibitors and the organizer.
BVV Trade Fairs Brno Co. expect to hold other planned trade fairs in the second half of 2020, which are of smaller scale and are less international than MSV. The first will be the STYL/KABO B2B fashion contracting fair, which meets the set rules in terms of attendance. Congresses and corporate events can also take place at the exhibition center from September. The Brno Exhibition Grounds allows several separate events to take place in parallel at the same time.
The 62nd International Engineering Fair is now scheduled for the date September 13–17, 2021.
BVV Trade Fairs Brno Co. is the leading trade fairs organizer in the Czech Republic and in Central Europe. The company is owner of a modern venue of 192.000 sqm and indoor/outdoor capacity of 130.000 sqm net. The company is owned by the municipality of the City of Brno, Czech Republic.