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Czech ICT Companies Present Themselves in China

Beijing and Shanghai was taken by storm by companies from the Czech ICT sector who presented their products and services for China. They drew the attention of dozens of Chinese partners and with many they formed a good basis for future cooperation. Czech companies showed that the Czech ICT sector will not get lost on the huge Chinese market and that they have lots to offer in China.

The Czech ICT mission was prepared thanks to a project of support for economic diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. The mission had the form of seminars and B2B networking sessions with Chinese counterparts. In total eight participating Czech companies focused mainly on the gaming industry; the other on IT solutions for medical devices or applications in tourism.

The mission was also joined by the Executive Director of Czech ICT Alliance, a representative of CzechInvest headquarters and the Prague Municipality. The seminars were organised by the Czech Embassy in Beijing, Czech General Consulate in Shanghai and CzechInvest. On the Chinese side in Beijing the main partners were the Changfeng Alliance, Haidan Science Park and Zhongguancun Science Park.

During the B2B session in Beijing on 12th October, the Czech companies had an opportunity to create contacts with dozens of Chinese companies and investors. The representatives of Chinese institutions also discussed possible cooperation with Czech ICT Alliance, CzechInvest and Prague.

The Czech Embassy in Beijing will continue with activities in the ICT sector in 2016. One of the planned projects will be the participation ICT companies at the CIFTIS Trade in Services Fair in Beijing at the end of May.