Czech Export Pearls – presentation of food, drinks and crystal glass from the Cech Republic
25.09.2012 / 20:12 | Aktualizováno: 20.02.2018 / 09:08
Working at the Economic Section of the Czech Embassy one can have a beautiful dream – to see in each supermarket in Beijing, every other restaurant or pub in Shanghai, luxurious shopping malls in Guangzhou or Tianjin our favourite Czech food, drinks or famous crystal glass. We know that in order to make this dream come true quite a hard work is needed to be done.
On the other hand, the assortiment of these Czech products in China is growing – just to mention that more than ten brands of Czech beer are sold here, Chinese customers can taste the Czech wine or various liquors, indulge themselves with sweets or go for healthy living style with cereals, give their friends or relatives gifts in a form of the Czech crystal glass etc. Of course, if Czechs would like to be successful, they have to be seen, promote themselves and their products as actively as their competitors do.
Raising awareness about Czech products and create new contacts for our exporters, these were the main reasons for organizing the event Czech Export Pearls in the premises of the Embassy. The scenario of the event, funded by the Czech MFA through the project for the support of economic diplomacy, focused this time not on traditional presentations but mainly on creating the suitable atmosphere for B2B meetings, exchange of contacts, tasting of food and drinks, presentation of the crystal glass and overall promotion of the Czech Republic. The main contribution in this respect was provided by the folk ensemble OLŠAVA from Uherský Brod, which opened the event with dancing and singing traditional folk songs from Moravia. Under the blue sky as well as inside the representative halls of the Czech Embassy more than twenty Czech companies presented their products to about sixty guests from business, catering, media etc. Our hope is to help the cooperation to grow in the future for the sake of rising export sales and customer satisfaction, as well as to spread more information about the Czech Republic and its products. Hopefully, also more Czech companies will be attracted to use such events to kick-off their activities on the Chinese market.