Czech Embassy hosted a networking breakfast with representatives of Greek civil society
11.12.2024 / 14:47 | Aktualizováno: 11.12.2024 / 14:55
On 10 December, the Czech Embassy in Athens hosted a breakfast meeting with representatives of Greek civil society, Greek authorities and the diplomatic corps, focusing on the rights of women and children. It was a reference to the breakfast between French President Mitterrand and Czech dissidents in 1988. Human rights are one of the values on which modern European democratic societies are based, and that's why we ought to pay due attention to their protection.
Civil society was represented by Chloe Kousoula, Founder and CEO of the IRIDA Women's Centre in Thessaloniki, Maria Nakasian, Head of Programmes at METAdrasi, an organisation specialising in providing reception and integration services for refugees in Greece, and Elli Xenou, Manager of the "Beyond Trauma" programme for Ukrainian children affected by Russian aggression, run by Médecins du Monde - Greece.
The Greek institutions were represented by Heracles Moskoff, Secretary General for Vulnerable Persons and Institutional Protection at the Ministry of Migration and Asylum, who is also responsible for the administration of the safe zones for unaccompanied minors to which the Czech Republic contributes. From the Ministry of Foreign Affairs came diplomats Theofilos Zafeirakos, Director of D3 Directorate for the Council of Europe, Protection of Human Rights, Minority Rights, Migrants and Refugees and Stavros Kyrimis, Director of Z2 Directorate for Development and Humanitarian Actions. The National Commission for Human Rights (NCHR) delegated Eva Tzavala, Head of the Scientific Unit, to the meeting.
Ambassador with the Secretary General for Vulnerable Persons and Institutional Protection of the Ministry of Migration and Asylum
The diplomatic corps was represented by the host Ambassador Ivo Šilhavy, the French Ambassador Laurence Auer, a former associate of François Mitterrand, the Bangladeshi Ambassador Nahida Rahman Shumona, the Swiss Ambassador Stefan Estermann and the Ukrainian Chargé d'Affaires Volodymyr Liashenko.
Ivo Šilhavý underlined the importance of François Mitterrand's breakfast in 1988 for our society during communist totalitarianism and recalled the legacy of Václav Havel and former foreign minister Karel Schwarzenberg.
Participants appreciated the opportunity for networking and open discussion in an informal atmosphere. It was agreed that the protection of human rights is an area that must not be forgotten in today's chaotic times. Human rights are a value on which contemporary European societies are built. At the same time, different perspectives on the concept of human rights must be respected, taking into account the history and traditions of other cultures, while always maintaining a global minimum based on fundamental values. Human rights are not a given; they must be promoted and protected. This is the task of democratic leaders and free media. The role of education is also crucial. The various actors involved in protecting human rights must communicate intensively with each other, learn from each other's experiences and share their best practices.