Archive of Bilateral Relations
Summary of bilateral relations between 1993–2008
11.–12.4. – Official visit of Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Mr. Mirek Topolánek in Greece
2.–4.9. – Visit of the Chief of General Staffof the Czech Army Mr. V. Picek in Athens
7.–10.10. – Participation of the Deputy Minister of Defence of the Czech Republic Mr. J. Kopřiva at the trade fair Defendory International 2008 in Athens
26.–27.11. – Working visit of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Greece Mr. I. Valinakis in Prague (meeting of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Mr. A. Vondra and the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Mr. J. Kohout)
October – Visit of the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces of Greece Mr. Dimitrios Grapsas in Prague
January – Consultations of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. T. Pojar with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. I. Valinakis in Athens
March – visit of the Greek Minister of National Defence Mr. E. Meimarakis in the Czech Republic
May-June – Visit of Chief of General Staff of the Czech Army Mr. P. Štefka in Athens
October – Participation of the Deputy Minister of Defence of the Czech Republic Mr. J. Kopřiva on the trade fair Defendory International 2006 in Athens
22. – 23.11. – State visit of the President of the Czech Republic Mr. V. Klaus and Ms. L. Klausová in Athens
January – Participation of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. V. Muller at the conference of a several countries of the European Union (3+10) on the new financial perspective
March – Visit of the Minister of Local Development of the Czech Republic Mr. Jiří Paroubek in Greece
April – Visit of the Minister of Defence of the Czech Republic Mr. Karel Kühnl in Greece
June – Visit of the Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance Mr. Christos Folias in the Czech Republic
August – Working visit of the Greek Prime Minister Mr. Kostas Karamanlis in Prague
September –Consultations of Deputy Minister of Justice Mr. R. Polášek at the Greek Ministry of Justice
December –Visit of the Deputy Minister of Transport Mr. V. Kocourek with the delegation in Greece
January –Working visit of Minister of Agriculture of the Czech Republic Mr. Jaroslav Palas in Greece
– Participation of the President of the Czech Republic Mr. V. Klaus and Ministeress of Education, Youth and Sport Ms. Petra Buzková on the opening ceremonies of the XXVIII. Summer Olympics Games in Athens
– Visit of the Minister of Defence Karel Kühnl in Greece at the Czech Antichemical Unit of Armed Forces of the Czech Republic in Chalkida
– Visit of Minister of Education, Youth and Sport Ms. Petra Buzková on the occasion of the XII. Summer Paralympics Games in Athens
– Visit of Prime Minister Mr. Stanislav Gross and the first Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Work and Social Affairs Mr. Zdeněk Škromach in Greece on the occasion of XII. Summer Paralympics Games
October – Participation of the Deputy Minister of Defence of the Czech Republic Mr. J. Kopřiva at the trade fair Defendory International 2004 in Athens
– Ceremonial ratification of the Accession Treaty of the Czech Republic to the EU in Athens with the attendance of the President of the Czech Republic Mr. Václav Klaus, the Prime Minister Mr. V. Špidla, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. C. Svoboda and members of their delegations
– Working visit of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Jan Kohout (speech on a conference organised by the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Athens with the think tank ELIAMEP and European movement of Greece in the building of European Parliament in Athens)
May – Working visit of the Greek Prime Minister Mr. Kostas Simitis in Prague within the Tour de Capital EU-25 before the summit of EU in Thessaloniki
– Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Mr. Vladimír Špidla, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Cyril Svoboda with the delegation on the EU summit in Porto Carras (Thessaloniki)
– President of the Czech Republic Mr. Václav Klaus with the delegation on a working visit in Athens (meeting with the Greek President Mr. Konstantinos Stefanopoulos, speech at Athens seminar organised by Mr. Minos Zombanakis)
October –Consultations of the Deputy Minister of Defence of the Czech Republic Mr. J. Váňa with the Greek Deputy Minister of National Defence Mr. L. Lotidis in Greece
November – Participation of the Deputy Minister of Education, Youth and Sport Mr. J. Müllner at the conference of the Ministers of Education of the Council of Europe in Athens
April – Working visit of the Deputy Minister of Environment Mr. Jiří Hlaváček at the conference in Athens
June – Participation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. J. Kavan at the conference of the Foundation of Andreas Papandreu
August – Working visit of the Minister of Education Ms. Petra Buzková on the occasion of the Greek take-over of the humanitarian assistance
November – Bilateral meeting of the Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. G. Papandreu with the Czech Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. C. Svoboda within the summit of NATO in Prague
May – Official visit of the Greek Minister of Transport and Communications Mr. Christos Verelis in the Czech Republic
April – Working visit of the Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications of the Czech Republic Ms. M. Guerlichová (presentation of the Czech market of telecommunications at an expert conference)
August – Consultations of the Minister of State for European Affairs and the first Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Mr. Pavel Telička with the Alternative Minister for European Affairs Ms. Elisavet Papazoi
October – Official visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Jan Kavan in Greece on the occasion of the conference of the Greek – Czech Council for the Reconstruction of the South-Eastern Europe in Thessaloniki
- working visit of the Deputy Minister of Local Development Mr. Č. Sajda (speech about reforms of the state administration at an expert conference)
February – Official visit of the vice Prime Minister of the Czech Republic and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Jan Kavan with businessmen in Athens and Thessaloniki (ratification of the memorandum, opening of the office of the Greek - Czech Council for a joint action in reconstruction of the SE Europe in Thessaloniki)
May – Official visit of the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Mr. Miloš Zeman with businessmen in Athens (ratification of the Treaty of Economic, Industrial and Technical Cooperation - the Minister Miroslav Grégr and the Deputy Minister of the National Economy Mr. G. Zafeiropoulos at the mansion of the Prime Minister Mr. K. Simitis, separate meetings of the Minister of Agriculture Mr. Jan Fencl with the Greek Minister of Agriculture Mr. G. Anomeritis, Minister of Industry and Trade Mr. M. Grégr with Minister of Development Mr. N. Christodoulakis and the Deputy Minister of National Economy Mr.G. Zafeiropoulos)
– State visit of the Greek President Mr. Konstantinos Stefanopoulos in Prague
– Official visit of the Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. G. Papandreu in the Czech Republic (participation at the conference about the reconstruction of South Eastern Europe in Olomouc)
December – Working visit of the Minister of Transport and Communications of the Czech Republic Mr. Jaromír Schling with the businessmen in the field of transport (presentation of the Czech companies at the Embassy of Czech Republic in Athens)
April – Participation of the Minister of Health Mr. Ivan David at the conference in Athens
May – Deputy Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Mr. Pavel Mertlík with the delegation of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic and the businessmen at an official visit in Athens
June – Working visit of the Greek Ombudsman Mr. Nikiforos Diamantouros in the Czech Republic
July – Czech delegation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Jan Kavan at the conference organized by the Foundation A. Papandreu and O. Palme on the Corfu Island
September – Participation of the Minister of Transport and Communications Mr. Antonín Peltrám at the international conference in Athens Summit 2000
December – Visit of the delegation of the Deputy Minister of National Economy Ms. Rodoula Zissi and the President of HEPO (Greek equivalent to Czech Trade) and other Greek Economic Institutions and Ministries and about 25 businessmen in the Czech Republic (initialling of the Treaty of Economical and Scientific cooperation and Production Cooperation)
May 1998 – Minister of Defence of the Czech Republic Mr. Michal Lobkowicz at the conference of WEU on Rhodes Island with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Otto Pick
March 1998 – Greek Prime Minister Mr. Kostas Simitis on the official visit in the Czech Republic
January 1998 – Greek Minister of National Defence Mr. Akis Tsochatzopoulos on the official visit in the Czech Republic
December 1997 – Meeting of the first Deputy Minister of Defence of the Czech Republic Mr. Jaromír Novotný with Minister of National Defence Mr. A. Tsochatzopoulos in the course of the international conference about the enlargement of NATO in Athens
July 1997 – Working visit of the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Mr. Václav Klaus in Greece
April 1997 – Official visit of the Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Theodor Pangalos in the Czech Republic
November 1994 – Official visit of the Czech Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Josef Zieleniec in Greece
May 1993 – Working visit of the President Václav Havel in Athens (a take-over of the award by the Onassis Foundation for politics)
The first visit of the President of the Czechoslovakia to Greece in 1927
From 9 of March to 5 of April 1927 paid the Czechoslovakian President Tomáš Garrique Masaryk a tour around the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean. He visited Egypt, Greece, Palestine and France. In Greece he stayed from 18 to 30 of April. During his stay he undertook a private cruise on a steamship and visited several ancient sites. He started his cruise on 24 of April in the Piraeus port, continued to the Island Aegina, where he visited the temple of Goddess Aphaia, and then he went on through the Corinth Canal to Delphi and Olympia. During his way back he made a stop in ancient Corinth, Nauplion, Mycenae and Epidauros. On 30 of April he arrived back to the Piraeus port, from where he went on to Naples and to Marseille.