The meeting of the Ambassador with the Vice-rector of the Trakya University
06.03.2018 / 09:13 | Aktualizováno: 16.05.2019 / 16:24
Ambassador met the Vice - rector at the Embassy.
On 20th February 2018, the Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Turkey, H.E. Pavel Kafka welcomed Doc. Dr. Murat Türkyılmaz in the context of the future foreign co-operation with Trakya University. They discussed the possibility of extending Trakya University's co-operation with other universities in the Czech Republic. Trakya University, which was established in 1982, is one of the most important universities in northern Turkey and has been serving with its 11 faculties, 4 institutes, 5 colleges, 1 State Conservatory and 9 Vocational Colleges.
Trakya University already co-operates with 5 Czech universities within the frame of Erasmus Programme (Charles University, Technical University of Liberec, University of Ústí nad Labem, University of Zlín and University of Ostrava). The management of the university has now expressed an interest in extanding co-operation, especially with the Czech medical faculties at the universities of Prague, Brno, Olomouc and Ostrava. The exchange of the students, university teachers and research assistants from the medical field is expected. During the meeting, the possibilities of establishing contacts and prospective ways of realizing the intended plans were discussed.