Third anniversary of the full-scale Russian aggression against Ukraine
,24.02.2025 / 11:53 | Aktualizováno: 25.02.2025 / 12:05

24.02.2025 / 11:53 | Aktualizováno: 25.02.2025 / 12:05
24.01.2025 / 08:51 | Aktualizováno: 24.01.2025 / 09:03
Ambassador Petr Štěpánek hosted on 17 December traditional working breakfast with representatives of local NGOs active in the field of protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. more ►
17.12.2024 / 08:33 | Aktualizováno: 07.02.2025 / 13:31
Ambassador Petr Štěpánek visited on 16 December the Mayor of the capital city of Ankara, Mansur Yavas, with whom he discussed possible ways of strengthening cooperation between the capitals of Czechia and Turkiye. more ►
06.12.2024 / 07:58 | Aktualizováno: 07.02.2025 / 08:58
The children of Czech expats in Ankara and of the Embassy staff attended on 5th December with great joy the traditional arrival of St. Nicholas of Myra, accompanied by a Devil and an Angel, who delivered them bags with small presents. more ►
07.11.2024 / 10:00 | Aktualizováno: 21.11.2024 / 10:02
New Ambassador of the Czech Republic Petr Štěpánek on Wednesday 6 Nov. met with the members of the Group of Friends of the Czech Republic in the Great National Assembly of Türkiye and its Chairman, Kayseri Deputy Murat Cıngı. more ►
23.10.2024 / 15:06 | Aktualizováno: 23.10.2024 / 15:29
H. E. Mr. Petr Štěpánek, Ambassador of the Czech Republic in the Republic of Türkiye delivered on Tuesday 22nd October his credentials to the President of the Republic of Türkiye, H. E. Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. more ►
03.10.2024 / 16:18 | Aktualizováno: 03.10.2024 / 16:27
New Ambassador Designate of the Czech Republic in the Republic of Türkiye Petr Štěpánek delivered on Monday 30 September the copies of his credentials to the Director of Protocol of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Türkiye… more ►
02.09.2024 / 13:20 | Aktualizováno: 09.09.2024 / 13:33
On 1st September, a dance performance by Mr. Ennio Zappala, member of Prague Chamber Ballet titled „Masters of War“ on the music of the eponymous hit song of the 60´es by Bob Dylan and choreography by Petr Zuska was presented… more ►