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Visit of Ambassadors of the EU to Gaziantep and Şanlıurfa

The main aim of the joint EU mission was to get acquainted with situation in the Turkish – Syrian border area.

The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Ankara participated at the joint visit of Ambassadors of the European Union Member States organized on November 18 – 21, 2017 to Gaziantep and Şanlıurfa provinces. The main aim of the joint EU mission was to get acquainted with the economic development, cultural diversity and social situation in the Turkish – Syrian border area, with the living conditions of Syrian refugees living along the Syrian border and the economic and development collaboration opportunities between EU Member States and that local authorities of both cities. The delegation of Heads of Missions of EU Member States, headed by Ambassador of the EU Delegation to Turkey, Mr. Christian Berger, met the Governor of the Gaziantep province, Mr. Ali Yerlikaya, Mayor of Gaziantep, Mrs. Fatma Şahin, representatives of non-governmental organizations OCHA, HCR, WHO, UNICEF, ECHO; the delegation visited also the Chamber of Commerce in Gaziantep. At Şanlıurfa, the delegation held discussion with Mr. Abdullah Erin, Governor of Şanlıurfa, Mr. Nihat Ciftci, Mayor of Sanliurfa, and visited Harran University and Chamber of Commerce of Şanlıurfa.


EU Delegace ve městech Gaziantep a Šanliurfa