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Czech Republic as an attractive tourist and medical-treatment destination

On March 17-18, 2015, the Czech governamental agency of CzechTourism performed two presentations in the United Arab Emirates in order to increase the tourist awareness of the Czech Republic as an ideal medical and relaxation treatment destination. The event was prepared  in cooperation with the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Abu Dhabi and with local partners such as the Emirates Airlines, Hilton Hotels, Preciosa and Rail Europe. The representatives of CzechTourism were accompanied by thirteen Czech subjects (travel agencies, spa facilities, hotels) that had the opportunity to meet local partners in B2B workshops.

The first event was organized in the premises of Dubai Chamber of Commerce & Industry. It was opened by the chamber’s vice-president for international relations, Mr. Hassan Hashimi. For the Czech party the welcome speech was given by the Deputy Head of Mission and Consul of the Embassy, Ms. Dana Eltomová, who also informed the attending companies about the rules regarding the Schengen Visa procedure. Subsequently, the chief of the CzechTourism delegation, Ms. Iveta Jakoubková, delivered a multimedia presentation “Czech Republic – Land of Stories“. The Czech participants further included: Jáchymov Spa, Jánské Lázně Spa, Grand Hotel Pupp, Karlovy Vary town, European Patient Service, Hotel Jalta Prague, Hotel Majestic Plazza, Orea Hotels, Farm Čapí Hnízdo, AR Tour Prague, Asiana Tour, Eastern Europe Tour, Alex Tour, Four Seasons Travel. Local partners: Emirates Airlines, Hilton Hotel and Rail Europe, were also introduced. The official program has been followed by a two-hour B2B workshop with approximately fifty local representatives of travel agencies.

The second event took place in Hilton Hotel in Abu Dhabi. This event was opened by Mr. Alexandr Sporýš, the Ambassador of the Czech Republic, who delivered a speech on bilateral relations between the Czech Republic and the United Arab Emirates. The following program progressed in a similar course as in Dubai. The B2B workshop was joined by approximately forty subjects.