Historically 1st mission of Emirati investors visits the Czech Republic
26.04.2015 / 00:17 | Aktualizováno: 26.05.2021 / 15:18
As a follow up to the official visit of the President of the Czech Republic Miloš Zeman to the United Arab Emirates in February 2015 (1st historical official visit of a Czech president to the UAE), an enterpreneur mission from the Dubai Chamber of Commerce visited the Czech Republic on April 20-22, 2015, lead by the Minister of Economy, H. E. Sultan Mansouri.
The Emirati enterpreneurs participating in the mission included presidents of 7 most important Emirati holdings who went to the Czech Republic in order to map the possibilities of future investments in the areas of real estates, tourism, infrastructure, construction industry, etc. It was the first historical mission of Emirati enterpreneurs to the Czech Republic. For the media coverage of the trip, kindly consult the following websites:
During the Czech-Emirati Business Forum, H.E. Sultan Mansouri officially conveyed to the President of the Czech Business Council, Mr. Pavel Foubík, the accepted registration of the respective business club with the Dubai Chamber of Commerce. The Czech Business Council has thus become the 46th national council and the first council from the Central and Eastern Europe to be registered with the Dubai Chamber of Commerce.