Bilateral Relations

Czechia supports the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence international campaign


The theme and activities of the UNiTE campaign this year is Invest to Prevent Violence Against Women & Girls. It calls upon all UNITE networks, civil society and women’s rights organizations, organizations working with men and boys, the UN… 

Czech support to small businesses and education in Zambia


Via the link below you can read or listen to a Czech Radio programme about Caritas Czech Republic projects in Zambia. 

Humanitarian Aid from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Helped Ukrainian Refugees with Shelter and Medical Care


The Czech Republic has actively been providing aid to Ukraine since the first day of Russian aggression. In addition to supplying weapons and military equipment and receiving hundreds of thousands of refugees or voluntary collections of citizens… 

Czechia sends hundreds of heavy military systems worth tens of billions to Ukraine during the first year of Russian invasion


In the first year of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Czechia has delivered dozens of tanks, combat and armoured vehicles and other heavy military systems to Ukraine. Roughly one third of the material came from the Czech Army, the rest was…