CzechAidDay Event: Empowering Economic Integration in Armenia
19.06.2024 / 11:35 | Aktualizováno: 20.08.2024 / 23:41
On CzechAidDay, we celebrated the significant achievements of two Czech programs implemented by People in Need. These programs have been crucial in supporting the economic integration of individuals displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh and Ukraine.
From April 2023 to June 2024, with the generous support of the Czech government and people, 777 individuals across various regions of Armenia received professional training and the necessary toolkits to rebuild their lives. Seventeen of these individuals also received business support, aiding them in establishing their enterprises. The programs targeted several key sectors, including agriculture, confectionery, computer skills, and accounting, ensuring a broad and inclusive approach to economic empowerment.
The event featured a welcome speech from the Czech Ambassador to Armenia, Mr. Petr Pirunčík, who congratulated the participants on their hard work and success in rebuilding their lives in Armenia.
Participants showcased their creations and services, providing a platform to network, share experiences, and inspire each other.
Meeting these resilient individuals at CzechAidDay was inspiring. Their stories highlight how effective support leads to sustainable development and economic integration. We are proud to work with partners like People in Need Armenia and remain dedicated to these impactful initiatives.
Thanks to financial support from the Czech government and taxpayers, many Armenians from Karabakh and Ukraine have received retraining, work tools, and business support.
We wish all participants success in their future endeavors. Continued investment in education and business support will contribute to their sustainable development. The Czech Republic is here to help, and we look forward to more success stories.
Partners: People in Need Armenia, Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí České republiky, Úřad vlády ČR, Člověk v tísni