The Embassy of the Czech Republic requests proposals for Local Small Scale Projects 2021
08.09.2020 / 15:06 | Aktualizováno: 28.05.2021 / 15:33
The Embassy of the Czech Republic to the Republic of Armenia is pleased to launch its annual call for proposals for the Local Small Scale Projects 2021.
Local Small Scale Projects are an integral part of the Development Cooperation of the Czech Republic and are being implemented every year through grants’ programme managed by the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Yerevan.
Eligibility criteria
- The implementing organization must have had previous experience from cooperation with the Czech subjects (Czech NGOs, academia, Czech regional administrations, Czech Embassy etc.)
- The implementing organization shall directly represent the vulnerable group as stipulated below:
Project must cover the needs of a following vulnerable group:
Since coronavirus pandemic outbreak, some social groups have been hit particularly hard. Among others, it is the youth. With the necessity of distance learning, absence at school, lack of social interaction, lack of access to adequate tools of learning and almost no extra-curricular activities, the entire generation of pupils may suffer if their needs are not met. Therefore, we call for project proposals that will try to seek innovative and non-expensive approaches to enhancement of situation of youth in Armenia.
The exclusive focus geographic areas are:
- Village and small town communities.
- The marzes, which have established cooperation with Czech regions, Czech NGOs or include towns that have twin partner towns in Czechia. Those are (with no particular order):
- Tavush
- Gegharkunik
- Vayots Dzor
- Armavir
- Lori
- Syunik
The project proposals must be in line with the Sustainable Development Goals as set by the United Nations, namely SDG No. 4 , with SDG No. 8, Target 8.6. , SDG No. 16, Target 16.2., and with the Czech Development Co-operation strategy.
Submission terms for small local projects for 2021 are as follows:
- The applicant must be a legal entity registered in Armenia, whose basic activity is not profit making;
- The applicant may submit only one proposal;
- Overall project budget must be within 200 000 – 500 000 CZK (approximate exchange rate is 1 CZK = 21,7 AMD); we strongly encourage you not to aim at the highest possible threshold of funding;
- Total sum of personal and travel expenses, eventually insurance must not exceed 25% of the total cost;
- Beneficiary´s financial participation in the project is minimum 25 % of the total project value (funded activities must be clearly specified in the form);
- Implementation of the project activities is limited to March 2021 – 31st of October 2021.
- We strongly encourage you to focus on one specific activity since proposals that are too fragmented have lower chances of funding. We also strongly encourage you to limit personnel and travel expenses as exaggerated expenditures for salaries and travel reduce chances for funding.
Evaluation criteria:
- Formal requirements;
- Developmental relevance of the project to the needs / priorities of Armenia
- Cost effectiveness and efficiency (incl. amount of co-financing);
- Feasibility and sustainability of project results;
- Effectiveness of project results, logic of the project.
Application package must be delivered in paper AND electronic version and will include:
- Identification form filled in English language (also attached below) - typed on a computer, stamped and signed by authorized person;
- Copy of the certificate of legal registration of the applicant (legal person).
- No other annexes than the Identification Form and the Copy of the certificate of legal registration are required! Additional burden of unnecessary documents may reduce the chances for funding.
In order to be considered eligible, the above mentioned documents should be delivered both in hard copy (in a sealed envelope to the Czech Embassy, Nalbandyan 48/1, Yerevan) and electronically to the by 12:00 at noon, October 6, 2020. Failure to submit the proposal with budget in CZK, or later delivery of documents will result in automatic rejection of your application. Every applicant will be registered and given the number confirming the submission of application.
Program: Local Small Scale Project Identification Form 2021
Organization name:
Acting through (name, surname, and position):
Address (street, town, postal code, country):
Land line and mobile phone: