The Czech Embassy in Yerevan requests proposals for Local Small Scale Projects 2019

The Embassy of the Czech Republic to the Republic of Armenia is pleased to launch its annual call for proposals for the Local Small Scale Projects 2019.

 Eligibility criteria

  • The implementing organization must have had previous experience from cooperation with Czech subjects (NGOs, academia, Embassy etc.)


  • The implementing organization shall directly represent one of the vulnerable groups targeted by a project as stipulated below:

Project must cover the needs of at least one of the following vulnerable groups in the regions (marz) of Syunik, Lori or Shirak:

  • Populations under immediate threat from polluted environment;
  • Populations of extremely isolated rural communities;
  • Vulnerable groups in need of developmental support, with focus on employment of women, youth, disabled or national minorities.


Submission terms for small local projects for 2019 are as follows:

  • The applicant must be a legal entity registered in Armenia, whose basic activity is not profit making;
  • The applicant may submit only one proposal;
  • Overall project budget must be within 200 000 – 500 000 CZK (approximate exchange rate EUR is 25,8 CZK);
  • Total sum of personal and travel expenses, eventually insurance must not exceed 25% of the total cost;
  • Beneficiary´s financial participation in the project is minimum 25 % of the total project value (funded activities must be clearly specified in the form);
  • Implementation of the project activities March 2019 – 31st of October 2019.


Evaluation criteria:

  • Formal requirements;
  • Developmental relevance of the project to the needs / priorities of Armenia
  • Cost effectiveness and efficiency (incl. amount of co-financing);
  • Feasibility and sustainability of project results;
  • Effectiveness of project results, logic of the project.


Application package must be delivered in paper AND electronic version and will include:


In order to be considered as eligible, all above mentioned documents should be delivered both in hard copy (in a sealed envelope to the Czech Embassy, Nalbandyan 48/1, Yerevan) and electronically to the by 12:00, October 24 2018. Failure to submit the proposal both in CZK and EUR, or later delivery of documents will result in automatic rejection of your application.




Program: Local Small Scale Project Identification Form 2019


Organization name:

Acting through (name, surname, and position):

Address (street, town, postal code, country):

Land line and mobile phone:


Local Small Scale Projects are an integral part of the Development Cooperation of the Czech Republic and are being implemented every year through grants´ programme managed by the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Yerevan.


Formulario de Identificación 67 KB XLS (Excel document) Aug 24, 2017