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Václav Havel & Jiří Dienstbier Journalism Fellowships 2018/2019 – Call for Applications

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs that Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty is currently accepting applications for the 20182019 Václav Havel Journalism Fellowship and Jiří Dienstbier Journalism Fellowship. The purpose of these Fellowships, which are joint initiatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and the RFE/RL, is to support aspiring journalists from Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans, respectively.

Fellowships term: November 19, 2018 – June 28, 2019

Deadline for applications: June 1, 2017

The Václav Havel Journalism Fellowship accepts applications from journalists in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, and the Russian Federation.

The Jiří Dienstbier Journalism Fellowship accepts applications from journalists in Bosnia and Hezegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia (FYROM), Montenegro and Serbia.

Find more information about the Fellowship and download the applications in this link.