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Consular Assistance for the Czech Citizens


Starting by September 15 2016, the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Yangon (Yangon.Consulate@mzv.gov.cz, +95 (0)1 2306174, 2306175, 505019) provides consular assistance to Czech citizens in cases of emergency, e.g. when their life or health is endangered, or in case of stolen/lost travel documents. The Embassy also performs legalization of documents. The Embassy does not accept applications for passports.

The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Yangon does not issue visas, applicants may contact either the  Consular and Visa Section of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Bangkok (Visas for Stay over 90 Days and Residence Permits) or Consular and Visa Section of the Embassy of France here in Yangon (Schengen Visas).


Travelling to the Czech Republic fully restored

Cestování do ČR

As of 9 April 2022, the protective measures regarding the conditions of entry into the Czech Republic in relation to the epidemic of covid-19 have been suspended. more ►